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Leaping down onto the cold concrete I land silently bending my knees to absorb the shock. looking around I see the gas jugs we store for the trucks while they drive between the road and the camp. Lifting one of the heavy jugs at a time I pour it all over everything. Every shelf, every piece of wood, every stack of stored food.

Once their empty I walk into the back room where we store various tanks of all shapes and sizes. Gently rolling the air tanks into the larger room I set them up. Waiting for Damion, who seemed to have disappeared, I look around. When I see a stack of Dynamite I can't help the grin that comes to my face. I place the heavy red sticks near the tanks.

When I turn around I come face to chest with Damion. Looking up I see a struggling Mavis with a duct tape covering her mouth. "What are you doing?" I whisper shout at him. He simply smirks viciously but doesn't answer. Stalking past me he non-to-gently drops her onto the floor next to my blow-shit-up stack. Lifting up a steel-toed boot he slams his foot down on her left knee. I hear the crunching bones give as if their are mere sticks. I flinch while Mavis screams into the gag. He repeats the process with her right knee. "What are you doing?! She's my Alpha's daughter!" I run over to stop him. Turning around faster than I could see he grabs the collar of my black shirt and pulls me to him. Wrapping a steel band of an arm around my waist he crushes me to him "I'm your alpha!" He roars "Since the day you stepped off that truck you have belonged to MY pack. I knew you wouldn't do this so I'm doing it for you, like a mate should." My wolf is nearly purring at the display. Rolling belly up, she clearly has no problem with the change in leadership.

We are both breathing raggedly, him from rage and me from attraction. I didn't intend to act that way but that was HOT. I commit what just happened to memory until one phrase pops out like a bright neon sign in the dead of night.


He's the Alpha of possibly the strongest, fiercest pack in the world. And not only have I challenged his authority but also have seem to make him angry. To add insult to injury he decided we were perfect matches and I just rang the bell by saying he wouldn't catch me.  Stepping forward he forces me to walk back into the wall, leaning his muscular body into mine. I know what he wanted. An Alpha doesn't tolerate disrespect. After a pause where I feel my wolf whine and wag her tail slightly I relax into his hold and tilt my head to the side exposing my throat in submission. He bares his fangs and puts his head in the hollow of my neck. My heartbeat accelerates as his fangs graze my jugular threateningly. Whimpering I tip my head back to expose more while letting my weight be pined between the wall and his body.  He rumbles and huffs. After digging his fingers into my lean sides one last time he lets me go with a grunt.

Turning he looks at the Watery eyed Mavis "Would you like to know why she did it?" "No," I reply. Honestly I couldn't care less. I just want her to be punished for all the things shes done to me while I worked my ass off to make sure she was happy. Nodding he turns back to face me "Ann and Elizabeth have gone to bed and left the actual work to their cluster of morons. We lure them in here and they do the rest, I've set a trip wire by the door.

He leans down and rips the gag off Mavis' mouth. Not a breath passed before the screeching began. "You useless Whore! You don't even have the right to lick the dirt off my shoes! I'M the Alpha's Daughter, ME, I hold all the cards and I am the one meant to lead the pack not some snot nosed bitch born from a gamma! I'm stronger! You can't even shift!"

I was about to snap back but Damion lifts me over his shoulder, wrapping his strong arm around my legs, and takes long legged steps out the back door. My struggles against him are halted by a warning snarl and a hard press on my leg.

From my view I can see girls stumbling over their own heels as they high tail it into the storage bay. "You can't shift? How did you last the first run?" Damion asks causally, for some reason I think he already knew it wasn't true. Which also means that it would be useless, and probably painful, to lie. As we disappear into the woods I reply "I can. Only my alpha and my father know about it though. My wolf is larger than even Mavis' so you can see why it would be kinda problematic if it came out."

Planting my feet to the floor and ramming my back into a tree he once again traps me.  It's a habit I'm thinking he's starting to enjoy, having me defenseless against him. This time one of his large hands is encompassing both of mine and holding them prisoner above my head. He leans his face in and gives me a slight glare though the heartless edge in his eyes from earlier is gone. "I'm your alpha, and if your PREVIOUS one didn't flaunt your strength to other alphas he was a moron. Besides, you were hardly made to follow in your father's footsteps. You're mine. You're Luna not a gamma." Quite cocky isn't he? "I'm not your mate." I challenge. He leans his face close to my left ear "Yet" his deep voice grumbles before nipping my ear and releasing me. Before I can reply to that arrogant remark with a scathing one of my own, and end up in an even deeper hole, he vanished into the woods

So engrossed was I in our conversation that I forgot about the Storage bay until the shock wave from it landed me on my ass. I watch the clouds billow out while wolfs rush out of dorms to see what just happened. With a sigh I take in the carnage and think about the run. Do I want to stop running? Did I even have a choice?

The Running Games: AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now