Chapter 3

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We began our tour.

Ciel:I think it's best if we divide up. I'll take Kathy and Denise.Zero, honey, you wouldn't mind taking Cristian along with you right?
Zero:I wouldn't mind.
Ciel:Ok then, see you soon.

The girls left and began to talk...y'know girl talk and all.

Zero:So shall we get started.
Me:Yea lead the way fabeo.
Zero:Heh whatever.
Me:Y'know Zero, I gotta say, your world is really nice, just like ours.
Zero:Yea but it was never like this. During the wars,it was barren and dry...nothing but sand and dust.Pretty depressing if I say so myself.
Me:I hear ya.
Zero:After the war, the planet started growing again and life was returning to normal.
Me:That's cool. What about the ruins of Ragnarok?
Zero:It's a historic exhibit now. Many human students go there to learn about the wars and all that.
Zero:Yep.Hey see that room to your left?
Zero:That's the training room. Where I practice my skills and combat.Up ahead is Cerveaus lab. He's the guy responsible for my weapons.
Me:I've heard.

We entered Cerveaus lab.

Zero:Hey there Cerveau.
Cerveau:Oh hello there Zero. How have you been? Are your weapons working properly?
Zero:Yea everything's working ok.I want you to meet a friend of mines.
Cerveau:Ah so your one of the humans from the other dimension Zero and Ciel told us about correct?
Cerveau:Well it's an honor to meet you. I believe I never caught your name though.
Me:Cristian.The other two are Kathy and Denise.
Cerveau:I see. Well, it's been an honor meeting you. And again, thank you so much for helping Zero and Ciel getting back here.
Me:Glad we could help.
Zero:Well, I'll be seeing you around Cerveau.
Cerveau:Take care now.

We continued the tour for about an hour.

Me:So Zero, how is it with the guardians?
Zero:Not bad I guess. Fefnir can be fun sometimes but most of the time he's-
Me:A pain in the ass?
Zero:Yea.Harpuia is more of the gentle one. He's generous and really works hard. Leviathan is a bit childish and likes to slack off a lot. But most of the time she is a hard worker. And Phantom is more of the quiet one that's really just about it for him.
Zero:Well I uh guess the tours over.We should go meet up with the girls.

We headed off to go meet with Ciel, Kathy, and Denise.

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