Chapter 17

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"Can't you stay for one more day, Niall?" mum asked even though I'm pretty sure I can't.

"I'd love to mum but you know I can't. But maybe by the end of the tour I can stay here for a month or two even" I smiled.

"You were amazing on stage little bro" Greg said as he ruffled my hair.

"We're so proud of you son" dad smiled and I can feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. The 4 of us were having our little family time in the kitchen while everyone else is in their respective rooms except for Zayn who is smoking in Greg's balcony. 

"Have you said your goodbyes to Sean? He misses you, you know" mum said.

"I'll call him later" I assured them. 

"He always calls every month, asking when you're coming home" dad said and I was filled with guilt. During my time in the spotlight, I doubt I called Sean. I can't believe what a jerk I am. Sean was my first and only and true friend and I can't even call him.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Well, we all know you're a busy lad Niall and I think you need your sleep" mum smiled. "I will miss you so much Niall"

I looked at all of them and immediately; tears began to spill from my eyes. I hugged mum tightly while dad and Greg patted my back gently. I don't know how I was able to cope without them for almost 3 years. Just thinking about not talking to them for months make me sad.

"I don't know if I can do this without you guys" I whimpered.

"Of course you can. You managed to do it the past few years" dad reassured. "And if you even need us, we're just a phone call away"

"But I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what I did back then that made me not miss you guys. Or at least stop thinking about you. I really love being this big but I wish I could just spend time with you guys for a year"

“Don’t say that Niall, this has always been your dream and now you’re living it! Stop being oh so negative and smile for once okay? Just have fun onstage but never forget where you’re from”

I thanked all of them one last time before kissing them all good night and slowly making my way towards my room.

I was about to open the door when I heard Liam’s voice.

“Danielle, are you okay? You haven’t been answering any of my calls”

I pressed my ear against the door and listened to Liam even though I know it hurts.

“ that so? Alright. I love you” my heart dropped to my stomach and Liam continued. “II hope you know how much you mean to me. You’re my one and only”

I gulped and pulled away. Maybe I can just hang out with Louis and Harry. I made my way towards their room and stopped when I heard hushed voices.

“I love you so much Louis. Why can’t you see that?” Harry said.

“But what about Niall?” Louis asked.

“He’s nothing okay? I can just throw him away for you. But what about you? What I don’t understand is why you can’t throw away Eleanor for me. I’m willing to sacrifice everything for you. Why can’t you do the same?”

My heart dropped even lower. I don’t understand how someone, how everyone can just throw me away like I’m nothing. Maybe I am nothing. Maybe I should just stay here in Mullingar because at least I know my family and Sean will never throw me away.

“You know management will never allow us to come out”

“Since when did you care about what anyone said?”

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