Oh Liu~

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DAD: *sitting on a sofa together with thy family facing another sofa that the other CPs are sitting on(the others are sitting on the floor or standing behind the sofa)* sooooo... you're my daughter's BOYFRIEND??? Huh?? *w/ dark aura effects*

LIU: uhhh... yes sir! ^_^" *shaking a little bit*

DAD: and dont you think you kids are too young for this??? *crossed arms*

LIU: uhhmmm... i dont think so, sir... she's 17 now and i th-...

DAD: you see, i think my daughter is too young to have a boyfriend yet...

LIU: uhm...

SARAH: you met her when she was a CP and now she's not... do you still like her???

ME: *sitting beside dad head down* w-why is this happening?? -_-" why do this day have to come?? T^T

LUKE: why did you like her anyway??? Haaa???? Huh?! *crossed arms*

LIU: uhh... i saw her in the park and...

SARAH: in the park?? Then what? Just like that???

MOM: do you have plans for her in the future already??

DAD: would you DIE for her?????

ME: oh my god! T^T dont scare him!!

LUKE: we're not scaring him, lil sis... we just want to make sure that he's the right one for you

ME: hmp! >_<

JEFF: *whispers to Ben* wow... they're scary...

BEN: ikr... i almost pissed myself

JEFF: *pat Liu's back* it's ok bro... just be yourself

LIU: *sweat drops*

MOM: listen Liu... we are not trying to scare you away or anything... we just wanna make sure our baby is gonna be ok with the man she want to be with... now, how could we know if you really love our baby??

DAD: or is there gonna be any reason for me to destroy your soul???

ME: dad!! >_<

SARAH: haha!

LUKE: lil sis... just let us do the talking

ME: noooo... you are scaring him!!!! >_<

LIU: uhm... *clears throat* can i please say something?

EVERYONE: *looked at him*

LIU: she was a CP when i met her in the park... the first time i saw her, i felt something... *looked at me* i felt that she was special and i was lucky to met her that day... we've been through much together... she was cursed and i did everything to help her... i promise that i'll do everything she ask... even if all of you lack faith in me, i will never give up to show my love for her... now that she's different from what i saw the first time, my feelings will never change... *stood up, walked towards me and held my hand* because... i love her :)

ME: *squealing inside* 0//////0 <3

CP GUYS: 0-0 woah

CP GIRLS: -///- aaaawwwww~

SARAH: man that was so sweet i could taste it

MOM: mmhhm...

LIU: so please... i am asking for your daughter's hand

MOM: oh dear boy... we would easily accept you but...

DAD: we dont trust you!!

MOM: *slap dad* what we are trying to say is... we dont really know you that well

LUKE: yeah and you guys destroyed our house!! *point at the large hole on the wall where the car they rode on crashed*

EVERY CPs: *glared at Jane*


EJ: no you didnt -_-

JANE: *whispered* f*ckass

EJ: *whispered* b*tch

LIU: i'll fix it!! Right now!!

SARAH: well you guys dont really need to fix it... Mom can-... *Luke covered her mouth*

DAD: ahahaha!!! Silly little girl *messed up Sarah's hair* you can start tomorrow >:)

LIU: sure!!!

PROXIES(H,M,T): we could help!!

LIU: oh no need... i can do this!

SLENDY: it is getting late... maybe we should head back home

SALLY: awww... i want to know more about Sarah :(

SARAH: you can visit me if you want

SALLY: yay!!! :D

ALL CPs: *walked inside the broken car*

MASKY: come on Sam... you coming?

ME: of course!! ^_^

SARAH: wait you're leaving again???!! But i thought you were gonna here now

ME: what? *confused face*

MOM: you came back... and now you are gonna leave again??

DAD: darling, why not stay here??

ME: but...

SARAH: just let her leave... she doesnt want us

ME: dont say that.. *hold her hand but Sarah let go*

SARAH: just go!! *with teary eyes, run up to her room*

ME: :( *walked toward the car*

SALLY: come on Sam! You can seat next to me!! :D

ME: uhh... i think i may not be coming with you guys :(

TOBY: what? Why??

ME: well... this is my home... my family... and i was gone for a long time

SLENDY: we understand you

LIU: :(

ME: ehe... dont be sad guys! You still can visit me here!! And i'll be seeing you tomorrow *wink at Liu*

JANE: aww... im happy that you're finally with your family girl!! :')


JANE: *punch him*

ME: ahaha! So i'll just see ya guys then ^_^

CPs: bye!!! *suddenly teleported to the mansion*

ME: *sigh then turn to face Mom and Dad*

DAD: *hugged me* you made the right choice

MOM: *also hugged* welcome home!!

LUKE: *smiled, gave a thumbs up and went into his bedroom*


DAD: do you still remember this room?

ME: *looked around and see everything is purple* uhhh... yep! I sure do remember this ^_^"

MOM: everyday, i clean this room... and i never changed anything

ME: thanks mom! *awkward laugh*

MOM AND DAD: *walks out*

ME: *closed the door then sat at the end of the purple bed* AUGH! Why purple?!!


Young!ME: ahhh *opened a present* its a purple teddy ^_^" uhm... thanks Dad

DAD: ohhh... you are welcome, sweetie! I know h9w much you like purple!! *pats my head*

Young!ME: ahaha! ^_^" *thinking to myself* why do you always think that i like purple?? :|


ME: *sigh* im sure gonna miss them *lie back on the bed and sudden flashback about what Liu said earlier flash into my mind* oh liu~

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