Ice Skating With Jazzy

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BOYS: *waiting in the main room*

MASKY: *sitting on the couch wearing black tux and black tie*

BEN: *sitting beside Masky and wearing a green tux, white vest and green tie* do we really need to wear tux?! *exhausted face*

SLENDY: yes Ben... so you would look presentable for one time... *wearing his suit*


JEFF: hey Liu? do i look good? *wearing a white tux and black tie*

LIU: hehehe... ^_^ you always look good *wearing light grey vest and tux, black tie*

HOODIE: this is so awkward... -_- *wearing orange tux and black tie*

EJ: *wearing light blue tux and vest, blue tie* i know right...

TOBY: *walks in wearing black tux, brown vest and black tie* sup!

JANE: *walks down the stairs wearing a black dress* i'm ready!

JEFF: woah!!! *whistle* wit weew!

JANE: *opened her purse then holds out her knife* you were saying?

NINA: *wearing a purple dress* Jeffy! how do i look?

JEFF: 0w0 awesome!!! *holds Nina's hand*

SADDIE: *walk in then sat beside Ben* i'm wearing my favorite dress! ^_^ *wearing a white dress*

TOBY: so?

SADDIE: i'm not talking to you! >_< i was talking to Ben!

TOBY: ehehehe... i was only joking *messed up Saddie's hair*

SADDIE: hey! *pushed Toby* don't make me call Sam...


SALLY: *running downstairs wearing a pink dress with collar* i'm ready!!! and so is Sam! *points at the top of the stairs*

*drum roll*

ME: *slightly blushing* *wearing a yellow dress* uhh... what's with the drumroll??? *slowly walking down the stairs*

HOODIE: *drumming* sorry... :3


ME: don't look at me like that!!! it's not like this is the first time you guys saw me wear a dress... *slightly blushed*

SLENDY: you look wonderful Sam ^_^

ME: *giggles* thanks...

BEN: *placed arm around my shoulder* hehehe... you look hot!

ME: as hot as this frying pan... *holds out frying pan* you take your hands off of me! >_<

EJ: hey Sam! you look different! more girly now...

ME: pffttt... whatevs...

LIU: uhhh... *clears throat* do you already have an escort Sam?

ME: *slightly blushed* uh... uhh... ye-yeah! Masky's my escort


LIU: oh... ok...

ME: *looks at Masky* Masky! you look great!

MASKY: i-i do? *blushed*

SALLY: ok enough talking! to the party we shall go!!!


???: hello everyone!

JANE: hey mysterious girl we don't know...

???: oh... my name is JAZZY KATE! but you could call me Jazzy...

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