chptr 1

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Author's Note: This story is meant to have the absolute worst writing and plot ever. It's a parody story, not to be taken seriously.

gandolfo teh epic wizrd walkd alon the grey rohdes of hobbiton. He had to get miny heros to join him on his epic quest. first he nocked on the dore of frodoh baggin. frodoh opnd the door.

"gandolfo pls," said frodoh. "im in the middl of watching epic cat vids on yootube. wat u want?"

"frodoh," replid gandolfo. "y u do dis. the wrld needs to be saved by epic heros like u, not get mor views on yootube."

"Oh yeh," realizded frodoh. "I shll join u on ur quest, let me go pack lots and lots o spaghetti for us to eat on teh jerny." frodoh walkd bak throo his epic livin room and packed lots o spaghetti and also mgic beans to eat on there jerny. He walkded out and closd the dore, then gandolfo and frodoh set of to compleet teh epic quist made ohnlee fer heros.

suddnly harry podder apeared on his broomstick, and he flew intoo gandolfo and frodoh's path.

"harry y u do dis," sed gandolfo.

"i do dis becuz you cant escape wit dose magick beanz," said harry. "give dose beanz too me or else u wil be arrestd by teh wizrd police."

"oh no," exclaimd gandolfo. "wat will we do next."

"maybe u can trvl with us," suggisted frodoh, eatin lotsa spaghetti.

"gr8 idea," replid harry. "just give me does beanz and ill trvl with u."

"ok," replied frodoh," givin da magick beanz to harry.

but suddnly they heard evl musick start playing, and dey turned around.

"oh no," sed frodoh.

"oh no," sed gandolfo.

"oh no," sed harry podder.

"oh no," sed the spaghetti.

"oh no," sed hermynee granjer.

darts vadr was standin in the path.

oh no, wat will happn next?

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