chptr 5

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"How wil wee get harry podder bak?" askd hermynee granjer.

"i no," sed skuldugger, who waz on a boat in da middl of teh atlantic oshun. "we brake him out of jail, liek in spy movees."

"u woch 2 meny spy movees skuldugger," sed gandolfo. "jamez bond iznt reel."

"wut did u say," askd jamez bond.

"oh, uh, nuthing, jamez bond," sed gandolfo suspishusly.

"nevermind," sed jamez bond angerly. "i did hear wut u sed, i just wantd to see if u wuld say it agen."

"wow," sed gandolfo.

"taik bak wut u said," sed jamez bond, still angerly, keeping gandolfo dramticly at gunpoint.

"nevr," sed gandolfo. jamez bond waz about 2 shoot.

"NUUUUUUUUU," yelld gumli out ov nowhere. den he uzed hiz epicly evil space smohk to destroi jamez bond's gun.

"I may bee evil," sed gumli. "but i wouldnt let my son die."

"thanks dad," sed gandolfo.

"no problem," replyed gumli as he darkly teleperted away.

"fine," sed jamez bond darkly. "i'll join u fer now."

"thanks jamez bond," sed hermynee granjer. " now u can help us brake harry podder out of jail, just liek in ur spy movees."

"ok," sed jamez bond darkly.

"how will wee find da jail," asked mahreo. "da policeman alredy left." 

"if only wee had a doge with us," sed gandolfo. den suddnli a shiba inu apeard. it wasnt just a reguler shiba inu eether. it was the doge!

"doge! itz u! From da memes!" exclaymd hermynee granjer. "Im ur biggest fan."

"can i get ur autograff," askd jamez bond darkly.

"much autograph," sed doge. "very pls. wow."

"enuff deestracshuns," yelld mahreo. "doge, leed us to da jail." the gandolfo, hermynee granjer, mahreo, and jamez bond followd doge to da jail. Skuldugger wishd he culd, but he culdnt becuz he waz on a boat in da middl of da atlantic oshun.

finaly da doge led dem to da jail and den left to go play fetch or somthing.  jamez bond checked hiz phone darkly.

"alright jamez bond," sed gandolfo. "we r here. time fer u to use ur spy movee powrs too brake harry podder out." 

"i cant," sed jamez bond darkly. "i forgot mi spy gear at home. I onlee brot wun gun, the one gumli destroid."

"nuuuuuuuu!" sed gandolfo. "jamez bond, go home."

"fine," sed jamez bond darkly. den he ran away darkly.

"oh no," sed hermynee granjer. "this looks liek a lotta trubble."

"wee have a problem," sed mahreo. 

"hmmm," sed gandolfo. "wat shuld we do wen we have a problem...oh yeh! Da eegls!"

"yeh!" yelld hermynee granjer happly. "call da eegls gandolfo! dey solv evry problem." so gandolfo grabbd a little moth, wisprd to it, den it flew away and da eegls apperd, waring kewl shades.

"wat do u want done," askd the leeder eegl epicly. 

"wee need u to brake harry podder out of jail," sed gandolfo.

"ok," sed the leeder eegl epicly. den dey flew in and reapeard moments later...carrying frodoh bagginz, looeegee, darts vader, and gumli!"

"eegl y u do dis," askd hermynee granjer. 

"becuz i waz a dubble agent da whole tiem," sed da leedr eegl dramticly.

every1 gasped, even skuldugger, on da boat in da middl of da atlantic oshun.

wat will happen next? find out in da next chptr.

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