LOST ***2

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"Boo! Come on! My playmates are waiting for me at the park!" little Sophie tugged at my arm, all giddy to go to the park.

"I know. I just have to get my sketch pad. Wait here." I peeled off her tiny hands, left her at the bottom of the stairs and headed back to my room. Second door to the left. I opened the drawer to my study table containing the item I needed, grabbed a pencil and stuffed them inside a messenger bag.

"Hurry up Boo!" I heard the impatient stomping of her feet from downstairs. I climbed down to her side and crouched to her level.

"Just don't call me Boo out in public. Got it?"

"Okidoki Louis" she put two thumbs up along with a big smile. She was missing a tooth. I smiled with her.

"Mom, we're going out for a while." I called out. She was in the kitchen, getting ready to prepare dinner.

"Bye Mommy!"

"Okay sweeties. Take care!" she called back to both of us. 


I closed the door to our house and I was greeted by the soft chirping of birds and the bright afternoon sun.

"Louis, can you please carry my bag for me. Its kind of heavy." she asked politely, her short arm stretched to hand me her backpack. I grabbed it and slung the strap over my shoulder.

"What's in this? It weighs a ton."

"Some crayons?" she said sheepishly.

"Crayons are this heavy? Wow, it must be as big as a cat." I teased, she giggled.

Sophie skipped on the sidewalk and swayed my hand all the way to the park. Once she had a glimpse of it, she pulled me into a run. She let go at some point. I just followed closely behind, half running.

"Louis, over here! Faster!" she shouted happily and motioned for me to come quicker.

"Don't rush it. I just got out from a surgery. My stitches might..." I tried to explain as I panted but she cut me off.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." she tried to apologize.

"Its alright. Now, go have fun. I'll be here if you need anything." I pointed to the empty park bench. She nodded in comprehension and ran to the nearest empty swing. All the parents were on the other side of the park because their kids were there. I slumped down and sat quietly. Sophie is clearly having fun. I placed her bag beside me and unzipped it, --plainly curious of what was inside-- only to see a box of giant crayons, five coloring books, extra shirt, a towel, a pack of biscuits and a bottle of water.

No wonder it was this heavy. I think Mom is responsible for this. I chuckled as I zipped it closed.

I brought my sketch pad out and glanced about to find something or maybe someone to be the model for my drawing. I do this whenever I have some spare time. A girl caught my attention as my eyes wandered over to her. She was lazily leaning on the bark of the tree, looking so tired but peaceful. Her eyes are closed, her brown hair is messily sprayed on one shoulder, her lean legs are beautifully extended, and her hands are gently placed on top of her lap but her clothes were rather dirty, other than that, she'd be the perfect piece to be drawn.

My hands started to move, tracing the lines of the tree, her shape, her curves were elegant, in a way and the sketch just keeps going on and on. I just skipped the dirty part standing out from her clothes. A side-view portrait of a lass. Finally, it was time to put a name on my work.

Everything in my sketch pad has a name. I once drew a middle-aged couple, they were so in love. I had the instinct to draw them. I asked them their names, it was 'Liam and Danielle' they said. Married for six years and has two kids. I chatted with them for an hour or so.

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