6. Blood & Bullshit

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Cover by @alyssa373. ~ thank you!

"So you're the crossed breed."

At his statement the whole situation stops.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't do anything.

I just sat there looking at him, my face stone hard, but he looked right through me as if I was nothing.

"I am not the cross breed, I've never even heard of a cross breed in this century," I answer coolly.

Lilly slowly starts moving and I carefully help her up in a sitting position, her hand goes up to touch the light cut in her eyebrow.

"Dickface.." she mutters, fully aware that he's just a few inches from us and can hear her loud and clear.

Grandma Collins snorts a laugh at her and stands back up, at the same time he lowers his gun with a smile towards his grandson.

"Don't give me that look, kid! I wasn't gonna shoot you, you're my grandson after all," he laughs and pats Collins' shoulder.

Collins keeps the glare on his face and his clenched jaw doesn't seem to slack even for a second as he watches his grandpa walk around the room.

He glances down at us and gives me a stern look when our eyes meet. Oh how much I wish this situation never turned out like this.

What the hell am I supposed to tell Eve and Jess?

They just witnessed some maniac shooting a guy in the head without thinking twice about it.

And that Martin said 'vampire' loud enough for the whole state to hear.

I'm so screwed.

If my dad finds out about this, I'm even more screwed.

He will never let me out of the house ever again.

"Tell me, crossedbreed," grandpa Collins says, still walking around the room looking around as if he's thinking hard about something.

"What?" I bark back.

"Is your father the great Colt Bloodworth whom got all the Pet Shops destroyed after he found out the truth?"

Why does this man know so much about my family?

Unwillingly I nod.

"Great! Then your mother must be the human every vampire talks about now a days, Gwen Moore?"

"What do you want?"

"Is your mother still human?"

"I asked first," I retort.

"Answer my question and I might answer yours if I like what you tell me," he says darkly.

This man gives me the chills.

"Yes, she's still human," I grit.

My blood is boiling like hot water in my veins and I'm so close to do an impulsive act.

Attack him and rip his throat out with my own two fangs.

"Aha, I see..."

He rubs his chin in a thinking manner and pulls out a little, brown book from his back pocket.

An Unlikely Match #2Where stories live. Discover now