14. Boredom & Bliss

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I angrily tear the page from the notebook, crumble it in my hands and toss it as far as I can get it across my room.

This is the fourth plot I've dismissed, and as for the three before it, it was a copy.

My mind is set on one plot, but it's one that I've already done before and sent in to aunt Amber's friend, whom works at a publishing.

Carefully I start writing a scene that came to mind a few hours ago, but that doesn't come out good either.

"Damn it!" I groan and stab the paper.

Just for the heck of it I stab it once, or maybe twice more.

The pen isn't even leaving any marks, I haven't clicked it yet.

"Woah there, what did the paper ever do to you?"

I inhale deeply, and exhale slowly.

"Where are the others?"

"Uhm... I think Noah and Eve went for a jog, Jess and Lilly are watching a movie in the basement," he informs as he slowly closes the door.

"Why aren't you with any of them?" I ask, scribbling on a new piece of paper.

Finally back into it!

I'll just have to be a little more descriptive, here and there.

Maybe throw in a "love making" scene there too, just to spice it up.

Who am I kidding?

There's no maybe about that!

"Cause I don't wanna be a cockblock to Noah and Eve. You can't be serious and tell me you haven't noticed that they're obviously into each other?"

I nod dismissively.


"Like, they almost kissed last night."



"And I'm considering dating a cow."

"Oh that's nice," I mumble absentmindedly while I keep on scribbling.

"Yeah, and I think I'll even become a vegan, you know. Since I can't be dating a cow, and then later take her out for burgers."


"A piece of paper and a pen is honestly more interesting than me?"


"Oh, so are listening to me?"

"Sorry, what?" I ask as I turn around with my chair to face him.

Xavier facepalms.


He shakes his head and sighs heavily.

"I just told you I was gonna start dating cows and become a vegan," he deadpans.

I snort a laugh and turn back around to my work, chuckling to myself at the thought of Xavier going for a walk with his cow.

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