Becoming A So Called Traitor.

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Chapter two:
Percy's pov :
Over the days more and more people are turning their backs on me. Some were pranked by Ethan, then he says i did it, when i didn't. I was fine sence i still had a few friends like Nico,Jason,Piper,Hazel,Annabeth, and a few more. Untill today. I was in my cabin while Jason burst in my door looking angry. Way more than angry. Then he yelled, " YOU SAID THAT I WAS WEAK!!" He stroms up to me with sparks flying off his skin.
"I would never do that Jason, what makes you think that?" I responded.
"You know why." He says with angry lacing his voice like ribbon.
I stare at him,"I did nothing."
"Sure you did." He grumbles. "YOU KNOW WHAT, WE ARNT FRIENDS!!! I AM TIRED OF YOUR LIES!!!!" I stare at the lost of words as he walks out of the door.

After camp fire at the lake

After the camp fire i asked Annabeth to come to the lake. I was going to perpose today. Untill i saw something that made my heart shatter. I hear Ethan say,"When are you going to dump that loser for a demigod, Wise girl?" My heart broke when she said,"As soon as i see him again, superman." Then they kissed. I became broken. I am lost without my wise girl. But since she dumped me i have no reason to stay at this hell hole. I sceam," I LOVED YOU ANNABETH, I LOVED YOU. AND ALL YOU DO I THROW IT AWAY LIKE NOTHING?!?!?!" My voice flattered. I pulled out the box with the ring inside. I opened the box. Inside was a silver ring with blue and gray dimonds on it, and on he side was written, 'seaweed brain and wise girl, forever in love' in Greek. I was broken. I threw the box down in the sand and ran, and i didn't stop untill i got to my cabin. I cried myself to sleep, thinking that in the morning i will run away, but beforehand i will tell Nico my plans and see if he wants to come sence he always stood by my side no matter what.

I awoke before day light and packed all my stuff to leave. Well you would think i would go to my mom's house. But sadly Ethan killed them as a 'joke'. Once i was done packing i took a shower. Afterwards, I ran to Nico's cabin. I pounded on the door and yelled,"NICO GET UP, I GOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!"
I heard a thump, then foot steps towards the door. A groggy Nico opened the door. He stared as i asked a question,"Will you come with me and run off. I want to go somewhere else. And sence you dont really dont like this place can you come with me?" I ask in per hopefulness. He nodded saying,"Okay but let me get my stuff." Then he closed the door. I went back to my cabin and took a piece of paper and wrote (in Greek) on it,
'Dear campers,
What happened to this camp i dont know. I wasn't about the fame or being the best demigod of time thing, but i was here for my friends. Untill all but one betrayed me. Nico and I have ran away because of all the terrible lies made about me. If you want to look for Nico and I. Don't,just don't. I left because of Annabeth and Ethan. Annabeth betrayed me for Ethan. Ethan Bower son of Zues has made all those terrible things happen to you. I forgive you all even though most of you hate me. I honestly don't know where i am going or what i will do but do NOT come looking for me. Well this place was nice while it lasted. Good bye.
           The betrayed hero's , Percy Jackson and Nico Di Angelo'

When i finshed i took my Minotaur horn and the paper, I ran to the big house. Once i got there i took the paper and held it frimly against the wall of the big house and stabbed my Minotaur horn into the wall. The i turned away to go get Nico. Once i got to his cabin he was standing outside his cabin. Then he asks,"Ready?"
"As ready as i will ever be." I reply. "Come on Nico, lets get going." Then we run to Thalia's tree. I take one good look back before i run into Olympus.

Author's Note
Disclaimer : I do not own any of the pjo and hoo characters
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