Are You The One For Me? (3) - Edited.

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There was finally a new kid added to the class and it was a guy, too! There were just way too many girls overflowing the girls, and some didn't even deserve to be in the class.

Anyway, the new guy's name was Eric and he had moved from Texas with some pretty awesome grades.

We had a lot of the same interests and hobbies, well, all except for one. Let's just say that his interests in girls was a little...crazy, I guessed, at the time.


"What are you looking at?" I asked Eric during lunch when I noticed him staring off into the corner for a long time.

"That girl." he looked back at me briefly before turning his gaze back to a table a few feet away from us. "Who is she? What's her name?" he asked me.

I looked towards the table. The only persons sitting there was one girl. Callista Ashley Brown - cue eye roll.

"Oh. Her." I couldn't help making a face.

"Do you know her?" Eric turned his attention back towards me then.

"Yeah." I answered nonchalantly.

Everyone at Clovesroad Middle School knew each other, because more or less, we all came from the same elementary school that was just a few stops away.

"How?" Eric asked impatiently.

"She used to be in my fifth grade class. She's pretty quiet, doesn't talk much, you must know the type." I summarized. There was a lot more to Callista, but he didn't need to about all that...just yet.

"Yeah," Eric's gaze returned back to Callista and I could feel myself starting to grow annoyed. He was supposed to be having lunch with me, not star-gazing. "Hey, do you know if she has a boyfriend or anything?" Eric asked all of a sudden, catching me off guard.

I so did not expect that. I figured maybe he was interested in her because she was sitting all alone, but all these questions was starting to prove me wrong. I tried not to look baffled by that and produced a snort.

"Ah, nah, I don't think so."

"Good." I swore I heard Eric say.

This was getting serious. I leaned forward and looked him straight in the eye.

"Why are you asking anyway?" I was curious to know.

"She's pretty, is all," he answered. "Wonder why she's not taken."

Eric's face bloomed up all of a sudden and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Callista looking our way.

"You seriously like her?" I made another weird face. This was getting too crazy for me to keep up with.

"Yep! I'm gonna go talk to her!" Eric actually slid out of the table and was about to head Callista's way.

I couldn't believe he was doing this!

"Good luck getting her to talk!" I told Eric as a last resort, but he didn't stop.

I sighed and just watched as he walked over to Callista. I couldn't see much because he was standing in the way - but I did notice Niya Roux coming over at one point - or hear anything because it was too loud in the cafeteria, but when he returned there was too big of a smile on his face not to tell me what had happened.

Still, I was curious as to what had happened, so I asked, "So, did she say anything?"

"Yeah. She sure did." Eric answered, grinning like a fool.

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