One: Artistry of a Brilliant Mind

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I wake with a raging headache and Lilly is licking my face, the tale-tale sign that she needs a pad of grass very, very soon.

I bend my body at the waist and see it's already 10:30. Damn. Did she already pee on something?

The shower is running, reminding me that nurse Amy spent the night. Ah, nurse Amy, she is like a Tylenol for the soul, not a permanent cure, but great temporary relief. She texted me after way too many beers and it did not take much convincing for her to come over and take wild advantage of my lonely, drunken state.

I throw on a pair of cotton pajama pants and reach for a shirt when I see Lilly sniffing around a little too much for my liking. "Oh no, little one, not on the bed. Hold it for a moment longer."

My time is short. I throw on some shoes and head out to the dog walk on the roof. As I turn the corner, I run smack dab into Juliet. "Oh, excuse me! Hello Juliet. I was just taking up Lilly for her morning business."

Juliet's face looks shocked, too shocked for my hung over and tired eyes; I can't figure out her expression. "You are just taking her out for the first time this morning?" she asks, and looks at me, strangely upset. "You're not dressed. You're going up there like that? Shall I take her?"

"Yes. I mean, No. Oh..." I run into the open elevator and push "R" for the roof. We barely make it out of the elevator when I feel a warm trickle running down my bare skin, soaking the right side of my stomach and wetting the side of my pants. "Oh...oh, Lilly," I say, letting her finish on the grass. "Well, you did the best you could."

Once Lilly is done with all of her business, I look up and see two other women on the roof with their dogs.

I look a fright: no shirt, messed up hair, dog pee running down my side. "Good morning!" I say with a ridiculous amount of cheer trying to deflect the roughness of my appearance. The older lady grabs her mutt up off the grass as if I am going to eat it. The other woman looks to be in her mid forties. Her face barely moves from all the botox and other injections but she looks at me with a grin and says, "Good Morning yourself," and gives me a flirtatious wink. "You nearly gave old Ms. Waters a heart attack."

I laugh a little and pick up Lilly in my arms. "Come on Lilly, lets go get some breakfast in you."

When we return to the flat, Juliet is on the couch, arms crossed and looking pious and judgmental. Oh, that was the look I was unable to diagnose in the hall, pious judgment. How very nice.

I've only known Juliet for about twelve hours and our first meeting was a little off-putting. She would not let me have Lilly, my beagle puppy, because she did not believe I was her owner. Once we worked out that little piece of business, I tried to engage her in conversation and she blew me off. Now, she sits on my couch, with a frown on her beautiful face, and I don't really feel like caring as to why she is so discontent.

Amy is standing in the kitchen wrapped in a towel and drinking orange juice. I hand Lilly to Juliet, "I'll get her breakfast."

I smile at Amy, "Good Morning love. Was your shower nice?" I walk into the kitchen and pour some food in Lilly's bowl.

"Who's this?" she asks, pointing to Juliet.

Before I have a chance to answer, Juliet answers for me. "I already told you that my name is Juliet and I am the dog walker." The edge in her voice is obvious, making my eyes cross back and forth between the two women.

Oh? Are we fighting over me already?

"Oh yes, that's right, this is Juliet, she helps care for Lilly. Juliet, this is Amy, she is a nurse. She occasionally helps take care of..." I chuckle at myself, "me." Amy giggles and I give her a little wink.

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