Seven: Boyfriend

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I hang up on the boyfriend and turn off Juliet's phone. I place the phone back on the kitchen counter where I found it and contemplate pretending it never happened. However, I realize that I've actually spoken to the bloke, even introduced myself, so that plan is already flawed.

A boyfriend? Damn it! One rule I have is to not mess with other men's girlfriends or wives.

Walking around my flat and mumbling to myself is getting me nowhere. The only thing I am certain of is that I don't want to see Juliet right now. I know I have absolutely no reason to be upset but I feel a little blindsided. What was she talking about getting in on 'the rotation,' if she had a boyfriend? Is it because he's so far away? If she were to walk through the door right now, I know I would have to ask her about it, and I need to play this cool. Also, this could be a very important night for her career, and I want her mind at ease.

A boyfriend, though? Damn it.

I grab the dress I purchased for her and throw it over my arm. She is taking a long time with Lilly's walk this morning, which is perfect for what I need to do. I exit my flat and lock the door behind me. Instead of taking the lift, I pad up the stairs; it will help burn off the extra energy I've recently acquired.

Once inside her place, I think about how to stage the dress, so it does not seem like a big deal. I know she is not going to be comfortable taking this gift from me, but it's not just a gift. I want tonight to go smoothly for her and she vaguely mentioned not having anything to wear. I spent the better part of yesterday finding the perfect dress for Juliet. I asked Sage to say that it was her dress and she wanted her to have it, but Sage said she would not lie for me.

If Juliet chooses something from her sister-in-law's closet, then she'll end up in some J Crew dress that Angela will hate. Whisper is a fashion magazine and Angela is a fashion snob. If Juliet is not dressed right, she will not give her the time of day.

I open the door to her flat and notice she has not done much cleaning up from last night. Of course, its probably because she was busy making me breakfast.

Of course she has a boyfriend. She's gorgeous and she bakes. I digress with my thoughts as I look for the place to put the dress and shoes that I hope will fit her.

I hang the dress off the doorframe around her bedroom door. I am sure she would not want me to go in her room, or her closet. I place the box of shoes just underneath it. Bing is at my feet, sniffing the new articles.

I pull a blank notecard out of my pocket and begin to write.

Juliet, This dress is for tonight. No offense to Terra, but I believe this will look better on you than anything she owns. I hope the shoes fit. Consider it a uniform for tonight's meeting, not a gift. Meet is at Splash at 8:30. Don't forget the plan.

As I place it in the envelope I think to myself, P.S. Why the fuck didn't you tell me about Ryan? He sounds like a wanker.

I place the envelope on the box of shoes and head out for the afternoon. I promised myself I would try to write something that would be worthy of Whisper.


A frustrated groan escapes my throat as I look around the tiny café in hopes of something, anything interesting to write for my next short story. Too much of my humor has been lost on... I don't know... life, I suppose. There is only one story I want to write and it's a terrible, horrible story that no one would ever be interested in reading. As much as I usually find great humor in stressful situations, this time, possibly the only time in my life, I saw the realness of life and how horribly short it can be. Will I ever get her face out of my memories? If it were possible, would I want to?

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