Ghost Of You (1)

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[A/N: Okay, so this is a Pikey fan fiction. Pikey as in Pete Wentz and Mikey Way. I don't know whether you'll like it or not but I guess will see! Btw, this takes place in Revenge era, they are still touring on Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and they toured with Fall Out Boy a few months earlier.- Baby-Doll

A/N: MaMa- Yes, We.... You shall see ^.~] 

"Gerard?" I asked, picking up the spoon and stirred the coffee and the water together so it became a dark murky colour. 

Gerard pushed his long black hair out of his face and turn to me. He was wearing a black long sleeved sweater and a pair of black jeans. He smiled as he noticed I was making coffee, I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah Mikes'?" He asked.

I quickly poured the milk in, continuing to stir, and the passed to coffee to Gerard placing it on the table. I walked over to the table and sat down next to Ray, across from Gerard.

"What happen last night?" I laughed; wrapping my pale hands around the small grey mug and took along sip.

I felt my body warm up as I drank it, I smiled. I'd always had an obsession with Coffee as did Gerard; it's just something we grew up drinking I guess. I looked over at Gerard; I noticed his cheeks had gone red. 

"Let's just say I had a bit too much to drink." He laughed a bit, taking a large gulp from his coffee and put it on the table. 

"Morning everyone!" Frank said walking passed us and straight to the kitchen.

"Morning? It's 1:45pm." Ray pointed out, looking at his watch.

"Really? Ah, crap." Frank turn around, holding a box of corn flakes. 

He walked over to the table and pushed Gerard slightly over to the side and sat down, Gerard quickly grabbed his coffee and continued drinking it. 

"Would you like some milk?" Gerard laughed as Frank dipped his hand in the cereal box and shoved a handful of cereal into his mouth. 

I laughed and took another sip from my coffee, looking over at Frank. He chewed loudly and did it again, stuffing his face with even more corn flakes while dropping some in the process. 

"Ew," I heard Ray mumbled as he looked over at Frank.

"Oh man up!" Frank laughed, looking over at Ray.

Ray rolled his eyes and went back to arranging the play list for tomorrow night's concert. 

"What happen last night?" Frank smiled, looking over at Gerard. 

Gerard rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath before finishing off his coffee.

"What do you think happen?" He asked.

Frank giggled a bit before taking more corn flakes. Frank was always a little bit of a child, but I guess that was one of the best things about him. He was full of energy all the time and was a hell of a guitarist.

"So, are you thinking of calling her back?" Frank asked, closing up the Corn flake box and left it on the table and turned to Gerard.

Bob walked passed us, drinking a can of monster and sat down on the small black sofa and flicked on the T.V. I guess Ray decided to join him because he stood up holding the laptop and walked over to Bob and continued creating the play-list.

"I never got her number." Gerard shrugged, spinning the mug round a little.

"Ah, so that's how you roll. I see," Frank laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2011 ⏰

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