Chapter 4

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All day I was going to be excited I knew it. I smiled happily. Then looked at Hunter.

"I'm so excited!" I said happily. He grinned at me and held me close happily.
"I love you Rouge." I didn't say anything I just took his words in. I love you too. I thought although I didn't say it.

I pulled away from a grip that he had me in and looked at him.
"I need to get changed."
"Go ahead." he smirked. I felt my face go red.
"Hunter..." I pleaded.
"I'm gonna see you with nothing on at some point any way when we mate what difference does it make if I see you now?" He asked.

I sighed. He's clueless isn't he.

"EVERYTHING NOW GET OUT BEFORE I KICK YOU OUT MYSELF!" I yelled. He grinned at me and his blue eyes where laughing.
"I'd like to see you try." he grinned.

I can't beat him with force but I can beat him with something else.
"Fine you win." I mutter.

That's when I pushed my lips against his and held in to him for dear life.

I don't know if I was kissing right... I don't know how to kiss and I have a feeling I suck at it. After all this isn't a fairy tail where the girl is suddenly an expert kisser. But I went along with it anyway.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist.

I was backing him against the wall which was part of my plan. We carried on kissing and that's when I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up and smirked as we kissed. He was about to put his hand under my shirt when I jumped down and held his hand.

"Lets take this to your bedroom." I said. He smirked and nodded. He left the room along with me and as soon as he got to the bedroom I ran out and into mine then locked the door.

"Ha! That's what you get Mr. alpha!" I shout to him. I hear him growl angrily but I know he won't hurt me, he just may yell.. Alot.

I quickly put my head in the windows and grinned.
"And don't bothering opening these." I said looking at a very Pissed off alpha. I then closed the windows and proceed to get changed with no interruptions.

I brush my red hair glance at my silver eyes and then check what I'm wearing is okay.

The Luna told me to wear whatever was in the wardrobe so I did so, it was a t-shirt with a wolf on it and butterflies and some jeans.

I walked out of my room and came into contact with a very angry Hunter.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Don't you hi me." He growled.
"We are gonna mate anyway, who cares when it happens?" I grinned using his trick. He growls lowly and then walks to the bathroom.

I walk down stairs and get greeted by Hunter's pack members.
"Mmm, you look gorgeous." A guy in Hunters pack said.
"Th-thanks..." I stuttered awkwardly.
"I don't believe we've met." he said with a grin. "My name is Relix Johnson, I'm the beta of the pack and also Hunter's best friend." he said with a grin.
"Lovely to meet you," I smiled "I'm Rouge, Hunters Mate."
"Yeah.. I know. Such a shame to see a lovely girl like you mated to Hunter." he said playfully.
"Leave her alone!" a voice said. It was Hunter. He came down the stairs with a smile and held me close to him.
"You can joke all you want but this girl is mine." he said.

When he said mine his eyes changed a beautiful golden colour then back to his blue colour.


Awful place to end the chapter... But yeah...

Sorry for the late update, the next chapter will be SOO much better I promise this ones carp.

Cupcakes and Cupcakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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