Chapter 3

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-A few months after he got kicked out-

His hands were freezing but he couldn't bring himself to hold them against the mildly warmer flesh of his thin chest. If it wasn't so dark, he would have sworn he'd be able to see his breath. His whole body rocked with tremors but nothing worked to fend off the icy night air. His fingers were numb and felt dead right through to the bone. Even breathing on them only worked to moisten the top layer of skin.

The nylon sleeping bag, which he'd stolen from a shed, was thin, offering no real protection from the harsh cold. There was only a few millimetres of fabric between his side and unforgiving solidness of the floorboards. He could practically feel every nail in the wood.

Sleep evaded him for hours and his sleep deprived eyes slowly follow the line of light that moves across the room as the dawn breaks. It's possibly the time that most people awake but Mitch's weary eyes are just beginning to give in and gently close. Perhaps, everything is just safer during the day?

He sleeps until late evening as his body is craving the energy which it isn't getting from food. He couldn't even remember the last night he'd actually slept properly so this morning was his body burnt out and giving in. He tried not to think too deeply about that.

His stomach gargled loudly, like it did hundreds of times each day. That was its way of begging for food that Mitch could only occasionally afford. Luckily for him, there was a small half eaten can of beans sat under a tile he'd been using to keep bugs out. It wasn't exactly hygienic but, the cold kept it sort of okay and as long as nothing nasty could climb into it again, he had little other choice. Scavenging in store's bins was humiliating enough.

He ate them slowly, trying to savor their slightly off flavor, but too soon, they were gone.

Darkness had once again flooded the city when the small brunette brought himself to leave the safety of his home. He glanced over at the sleeping bag and two cans of beans as he left, knowing there was a chance of them not being there when he returned. Sighing, he stepped out into the cold which always seemed upon his body.

Street lamps were coming on, illuminating nothing but the patch of ground directly beneath the bulb; they seemed useless. He began walking, almost aimlessly, looking for a window of opportunity: A car down an alley, an open window or open back gate. Anything he could get to raise some more money or a morsel of food.

His footsteps were silent as he sped down an alley. He still grew apprehensive down these small back roads but it was necessary if he wanted to find something. His eyes were scanning garages and back gates when he heard a sound from behind him.

He spun around on the spot.

"Look who it is." The large man leered. His voice fat with contempt and superiority. "The little cock sucker."

"Leave me alone." Mitch growled.

The larger man with dark hair and a scruffy beard took a step closer, "Look at him trying to intimidate with that high pitched little girl's voice."

"Guess his balls haven't dropped, John." The man with dirty blond hair jeered. Mitch didn't know much about him apart from that his nickname was Lucifer and he had a reputation for getting John to beat people up. He was a dick.

"Don't joke, Lucifer." John sounded serious and Mitch almost felt the relief flow through him but then the large man spoke again, "I don't think he has balls."

They both chuckled darkly as they stepped closer to the scared boy. Mitch took a step back before turning on his heel and running as fast as his weak legs would allow. He stumbled but made good progress further into the alley.

A hand grabbed the edge of his grimy hoodie, pulling him back. Lucifer threw him down to the floor with a swift tug. Within millisecond, John was on him too. Mitch kept his eyes screwed shut and his arms protecting his head but the punches and kicks still caused pain to seep into him. His muscles spasmed as his back was attacked by the men. He tried, but failed, to stop the sounds of pathetic cries leaking from his throat.

The punches didn't stop, neither did the kicking and eventually, Mitch blacked out.

A/N- this is Megan's chapter but she didn't leave an A/N so I Caitlin am going to do it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I can't wait to get further into this story because we have some great ideas for it. Updates on Tuesday's. Yay! Byyyyeee.

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