Chapter 15

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The sound of Sam knocking around in the kitchen woke Mitch up and he couldn't help but wonder if it was one of Sam's tactics to subtly wake him up. Over the last couple of weeks, Mitch had always seem to magically wake up just when Sam needed him; usually it was Sam bashing around or slamming the front door that roused him. Perhaps the tall man really was a master in waking people up on the sly.

It was the day that Mitch would be leaving the relative safety of the cabin and heading home to Scott and the mess he'd left behind. He almost felt resist at the idea of leaving now. Sam had revealed so much to him the night before that it was almost stupid to just go now when there could be so much to learn. Despite this, Sam was a man of schedules and order so Mitch knew if the man planned to leave today then he'd certainly get his way. Maybe it would be good to leave now anyway. The sooner he got settled in with Scott the better.

"Mitch," The voice sounded surprised, "I didn't realise you were up!" Sam beamed at him from the doorway. "I'm probably gunna start packing up your truck soon then you should be ready to go by mid-day."

"Thanks Sam. I really appreciate everything you've done for me!" Mitch give a genuine smile, full of gratitude.

Sam's lips quirked up like he thought of a funny joke, "Don't thank me yet. We'll have to see if you make it home first."

Shocked, it took Mitch a moment to respond, "Of course." He wasn't planning on not making it home and in Sam's capable hands, he was practically guaranteed.

Mitch was ready in record time, showering and dressing with just enough time spare to help Sam load Mitch's stuff into the vehicle. The older man must have been up for several hours already as not only had the new truck suddenly appeared in the snowy drive but Sam's own car, a sleek black thing, was also packed up and ready to go.

When Mitch took his last tour around the house, to check he didn't forget anything, he felt something akin to loss develop in his stomach. He'd only just discovered he had a brother but he still only knew the basic things about the man's life. Mitch hoped that even though they were separating they'd be able to keep in contact and be able to gain a close relationship.

Sam also checked over the cabin but he took a quarter of the time Mitch did as he had performed that ritual hundreds of times.

When they both made it onto the porch, Mitch waited beside Sam as the man locked all 7 locks on the doors. With the shutters on the windows and all these locks plus Sam living miles from anywhere, this was probably the securest place on Earth.

Sam seemed surprised when he turned around to see Mitch loitering behind him.

"Where did you say you're heading?" Mitch asked to break that heavy silence.

Sam seemed hesitant to respond as though he knew Mitch was just trying to lose the awkward silence, "I'm heading down to Kansas but I won't be there long: a few days at most."

The small man nodded and tried to act like he wasn't desperate to know what Sam was going to do there.

Sam rolled his eyes and lifted his arms to invite Mitch into a bear hug. It was clear the boy was trying to figure out what was socially acceptable now he knew they were brothers.

The hug was tight and engulfed the thin man. Sam's body was hard but warm. Mitch clung on tight to try and convey at least some of his appreciation.

"You take care of yourself, Mitch." He Ruffled Mitch's dark hair playfully, "And if you need anything you can just call. I've left a list of numbers you can ring in the duffle that I left on the seat." He gestured towards the truck.

Mitch glanced at the truck before peering up at his big brother, "Thank you so much for everything. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Sam shrugged, "You would have made it though. You're a strong person, I can see it."

Mitch followed Sam's car for a while, Sam leading him down the less treacherous roads and tracks. It was clear the man knew the way like the back of his hand.

It didn't last though as after a while Sam pulled off onto a different road but waved back to Mitch as he sped off- his car much faster than the truck.

Then Mitch was alone again. Sam had taken him far enough so that there were large enough highways for Mitch to follow. He didn't doubt that Sam really had some stops to make first but had severely detoured to get his brother in the right direction.

It was only after several hours of driving that Mitch finally stopped for a break and decided to peep inside the bag. His eyes widened by what he found there.

The duffle bag was bulging with documents, food and money. There was at least two fake IDs with all the necessary documentation, Enough food and drink to feed a small army and a couple wads of cash.

Mitch fingered the dollar bills suspiciously. Each bill was $20 and there was hundreds of them tightly bound together. He shot off a text to Sam thanking him profusely before sending one to Scott.

Should be home in a couple of days X- M

There was a reply in milliseconds,

I can't wait! X -S

Hi everyone! Sorry this update is a week late but I (Meg) had exams in school so we had to postpone this one! I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! X -Pure-Fury 

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