Chapter 16

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Mitch finally made it out of Canada and back to the place full of good and bad memories. We went the long away around, driving past the abandoned house his had lived in and sheds he stole from.He finally made it into his old neighbourhood and slowed the car down. He looked out of his right window to his childhood home was. Nothing had changed, well not as much as Mitch had expected. He couldn't help but notice the 'For Sale' sign sticking out of the ground. He carried on driving down the road heading to see a man he had missed dearly, but first stopping at a florist.

The brunette parked up and got out of the car. He made his way up the trail and across the muddy grass and bent down next to the grave. Mitch picked up the dead flowers that he had put there and replaced them with the new ones he had bought. He remembered when times were really hard he would come here and think about life, often wondering if anyone would care if he ended up in the same place as his father. However, the slightest tug of his heart told him that someone would care about him and now he's found 2. Mitch was still shocked that he had family. He wondered if Sam was the only one or he had more. Then there was Scott. He would have never imagined meeting someone he was very fond of, robbing a bank. However it happen and Mitch was happy about it. He found someone he could spend the rest of his life with and that was amazing.

Mitch made his way back to the car and drove to the blond's house. He pulled up outside his house and got out to knock on the door. Scott answered with a wide smile on his face.

"Mitch!" Scott said pulling the brunette into a hug squeezing him tightly. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Scott" Mitch said as his eyes began to water.

Scott pulled Mitch into his home and Mitch noticed something different, it didn't look like a home anymore. Everything was in boxes. Scott noticed Mitch's confused face.

"We're moving, only out of town. Just where nobody knows us." Scott clarified.

"Did people come looking for me?" Mitch shyly asked.

"They came here asking if i knew anything, and to keep an eye out if I saw you. I think it's all forgotten about now. You didn't steal anything in the end."

"Yeah, Sam gave me his car and money. I think I am set up for life."

"That's good! But I'll take care of you from now on!"

"I like that idea" Mitch said leaning up to kiss Scott on the mouth. "When are we leaving?"

"After we eat." Scott lead Mitch into the dining room where Scott had set up a romantic diner.

"This is unexpected" Mitch spoke sitting down at the table after Scott had pulled his seat out.

"I'm full of surprises, I'll just go and get the lasagna out of the oven." Scott said

"Lasagna! My favorite." Mitch remembered his dad making it for him all the time. He had missed eating meals at home with someone. He was really going to love living with Scott.

A/N- Last chapter!!! Epilogue next, hope you liked this book!

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