Chapter 4

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AUTHORS NOTE !!: hello mi loveleis ,, I usually update everyday because I hate when I'm reading a fic and they haven't updated in months like wyd ??¿¿ so expect quick update bc I lov my loveleis. ////
luke_is_a_penguin: I'm on my period
michaelgclifford: you're a guy
luke_is_a_penguin: I'm aware
michaelgclifford: I don't think there's blood coming from your dick
luke_is_a_penguin: I forgot oops
michaelgclifford: who forgets they're a guy
luke_is_a_penguin: me I do
michaelgclifford: get help
luke_is_a_penguin: yeah I want help
luke_is_a_penguin: from you
michaelgclifford has left the chat
luke_is_a_penguin has added michaelgclifford into the chat
michaelgclifford: I'm not helping you
luke_is_a_penguin: y not
michaelgclifford: no
luke_is_a_penguin: I know you want to though
you may no longer chat with michaelgclifford
luke_is_a_penguin: *sigh* I knew he would block me
michaelgclifford has requested to message you
luke_is_a_penguin: I knEW YOUD COME BACK
michaelgclifford: I couldn't stay mad @ a cutie bun
luke_is_a_penguin: I knew you couldn't

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