AUTHORS NOTE !!: hello mi loveleis ,, I usually update everyday because I hate when I'm reading a fic and they haven't updated in months like wyd ??¿¿ so expect quick update bc I lov my loveleis. ////
luke_is_a_penguin: I'm on my period
michaelgclifford: you're a guy
luke_is_a_penguin: I'm aware
michaelgclifford: I don't think there's blood coming from your dick
luke_is_a_penguin: I forgot oops
michaelgclifford: who forgets they're a guy
luke_is_a_penguin: me I do
michaelgclifford: get help
luke_is_a_penguin: yeah I want help
luke_is_a_penguin: from you
michaelgclifford has left the chat
luke_is_a_penguin has added michaelgclifford into the chat
michaelgclifford: I'm not helping you
luke_is_a_penguin: y not
michaelgclifford: no
luke_is_a_penguin: I know you want to though
you may no longer chat with michaelgclifford
luke_is_a_penguin: *sigh* I knew he would block me
michaelgclifford has requested to message you
luke_is_a_penguin: I knEW YOUD COME BACK
michaelgclifford: I couldn't stay mad @ a cutie bun
luke_is_a_penguin: I knew you couldn't
Twink // muke
أدب الهواةIt all started when Michael found Luke on his explore page on Instagram. He stalked his account and thought he was just an overall twink. He was OBVIOUSLY into what kinda shit luke was putting up so they started talking through the dms. And then th...