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fixed and crazy, aphid attraction.
carve my name in my face, to recognize,
Such a pheromone cult, to terrorize."


Torn into Pieces

A crack of lightening lit up the dark sky, illuminating the dense atmosphere in one bright shine of light. Mere seconds later, thunder rumbled, reverberating off anything that was within a hundred mile radius, leaving a dull echo in its wake. Rain pounded heavily against the sidewalk, drops of water bounding with the impact that it made on the concrete. Tree branches danced in the rough wind, slapping against the houses; brushing over the painted surface leaving shallow scratches, tainting the walls and roofs. The wind howled, screeching as if it were some mythological creature. The coldness of the air, cut through anything, chilling anyone who was out straight down to their very core.

Mothers' who were out shopping with their young children hurried along the sides of the roads in haste to get to the warmth that their homes provided. Dogs barked at the bustle of people out the front of the territory of their yard, leaping up onto the fences, nipping, yelping at whoever passed. Some growled at thin air, barking at what wasn't there.

As a cloaked figure walked along the darkened, mist covered road, he could hear her laughter rebounding off everything. It was a bright, happy sound, so light and joyful. His whole body turned, searching for where it was coming from. But, to no avail, he couldn't place the origin. His eyes darted, trying to find her, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He didn't recognise the place, he didn't even know if he'd been there before it was that blurry. The heavy mist that stuck to the ground didn't make it easier. As he walked, it parted like a pair of grey-coloured drapes, allowing for him to pass through, but would close back up seconds later.

Mumbling a quick apology to the people that he bumped into in his search to find her; he was cursed at, yelled at for being slow, for holding up everyone who were trying to get by.

Passing by a street light, his eyes subconsciously followed the direction of the light, and upon what he swore he saw, spun around quickly. The person whom he thought was standing there, flickering, disappeared into the tendrils of mist. It looked like her. She had the same red-tinted blonde hair and was wearing the same dirty white dress that he'd been seeing her in. Once he gathered himself, he continued on his way, ignoring the whispered words that he could hear. Mostly his name would be said.

Alexander... a soft melodic voice whispered, her voice seemed to be strained, borderline raspy, come to me, my love...

Digging his nails into his palms that were shoved deep into his coat pockets, Alexander tried to not listen. But, the more he ignored, the louder the voice got. So distracted with her voice, he didn't realise that the pathway had broken in two, a slight hole where the part was made the concrete uneven, and he ended up tripping. Alexander couldn't get his hands out of his pockets quick enough in the time between actually tripping and landing on the path. His body bounced slightly upon impact. The side of his face took the brunt of the injuries, his cheek ended up scraped, gravel rash stinging his exposed flesh, his coat got scratches on it, and he was sure that he'd have a bruised hip. Alexander could feel her touch, her soft, smooth hands caressing his cheek, tilting his head up to look at her. But, once his eyes fluttered open, there was no one there. His cheeks turned cold as the feeling of her vanished.

Scrambling up to his feet, he scanned his peripheral vision for any hope that he actually saw her and it wasn't a figment of his imagination. Follow me her voice hummed. Looking up in shock, he saw her. Standing there, her whole body seemed to be flickering in the shadows that were casted from the street lamps. Her head was tilted to the side, and to Alexander, the whole world seemed to quicken around him, while she slowed right down, his attention focused solely on her. He took cautious steps in her direction, afraid if he moved too quickly, she'd disappear. As he walked, she did as well. The closer that Alexander got to her, the further away that she moved, and a smile played on her lips, one which didn't reach her eyes.

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