Chapter 9

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I wake up on the ground and I look up to see that it seems that not that much time passed by. Well my meal is gone and my brother spent time with a vermin girl long enough for her to fall in love with him or its the effect that we vampires give off. Its a gift we use all the time to lure in vermin and drink their blood. I roll off the ground and get up and look at my surroundings to see if there is any vermin walking around so I can snack on them. No one in sight, fuck! Minus well use my vampire speed to get back home and get some stored left over blood from the feast, if there are an leftovers.


I open the door to the antique store and go straight to the fridge not saying hey or hi to anyone. I scan through the stuff and I was lucky. I stare at twenty bottles of blood in the first hidden compartment in the fridge. I take three, close the fridge and sit on the sofa. Without a second thought, I pop one of the caps of the bottles off and drink. Blood doesn't take as good after a few hours but it'll have to do. I close my eyes and think once I can at least breath from the oxygen in the human blood.

"Where were you?" My thoughts are interrupted and I open my eyes to see my mother staring at me.

"Out." I shrug pulling one-liners so she can get annoyed and leave me to drink my blood in peace like i was doing before.

"Why weren't you at the feast last night?" She questioned. I shrug at her question but she wasn't satisfied, she wanted me to talk. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"I didn't want to be here." I responded trying to get her to leave me alone and let my business be my business. My answer didn't satisfy her still and she stayed there with that same aggravated face and then finally spoke.

"Fine, if you didn't want to be here, then you don't deserve this blood from the feast, if you didn't want to be here so bad." She spat while taking my bottles of blood before I can even realize. My mother can be a real testy bitch sometimes. I face palm and slide my hand down on top of my nose so I can see her putting away the bottles of blood, and she does it slowly so that she can get a better answer out of me. Normally I wouldn't say anything and just find some human walking on the streets but there are too many people roaming around and would get suspicious during 6 a.m through 8 a.m rush hour. Also I'm staring to loose oxygen because I didn't think someone would rudely take my blood away.

"I don't like sharing my blood. Plus you guys go up the wall once you see blood. I probably wouldn't even be able to get enough blood and I would have to go out and get my own anyway." I finally give in. My blood bottles are returned in a blink of an eye. My mother smiles at me all peppy and I glare at her and drink my blood. Why is she even ramming on about how I was gone, where is Jade and James? Worry about them and not me.

I pull out my phone and send a group text to James and Jade.

Me: Where are you? Mom is getting on my ass as a substitute for you guys.

Jade doesn't answer back immediately like she always does even though she is always on her phone. Just as I'm about to put my phone back in my back pocket, it vibrates.

James: Out.

Me: Out where? I have the one liners, you are the complete sentenceser.

James: Wow, real smart. I'm just out.

Me: Well you're lucky you're out and not here.

James: What do you mean?

Me: What's up with you hanging out with Vermin?

James: I don't know what you're talking about.

Me: You damn well do know what I'm talking about. I know about Katelyn, Katelyn the human, Katelyn the vermin.

James: I don't hang out with those disgusting creatures, what gave you that idea?

Me: Don't try to be a smart ass James, she said she was in love with you. How does she know your name huh? How does she know you?

James: How am I supposed to know how she knows me, human school I guess.

Me: Stop lying to me James, this is going to get worse the more you lie.

James: I don't know who Katelyn is!

Me: Yes you do know Katelyn! You said something about her before.....So James, where were you last night? And I know for a fact that you weren't at the feast. 

James: I was hunting.

Me: Since when James do you ever hunt in the streets?

There was no answer after that, and I was pissed and wanted to punch something.

Me: What you're doing is against the principles James. You may be my brother but vampire humanity will always come first if you don't kill that vermin. We were taught these rules by our parents, and the council when we were kids. Humans are food and nothing more, they are lower than us. They will never be on top as long as the vampire race is alive. So James the question is, are you going to kill her or go against all vampire kind and be killed along with her? The choice is yours James, just make sure you choose the right one. And remember, if you don't kill her, I will.

I made sure that I was clear in everything I said. James is my brother and I won't let vermin make him die for the sin that they are causing. James is so stupid sometimes, this is the only time that I'm going to bail him out of something as big as this.

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