Chapter Four- The Silver Dragons

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I sit at the coffee shop and check the time. It's still five minutes until I need to tell them who the Silver Dragons are. No one is here yet. I did say ten, right? At Tweak Bros.? Yeah... I did...

A minute passes before I hear the door open and see Craig walk in. I look down to keep myself from showing any suspicion. He walks over to me. "Are you the guy who's gonna tell us about the person helping the town?" I hear. I look up. The same sorrow filled eyes that I saw last ningt remain the same in his face. I nod. He sits on the other side of the booth that I sit in. The door opens and I watch four others come in together. Kenny waves to me when he sees me. They all come over to me. In the group is Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Shelly Marsh. They all sit at the booth. What about Tweek? He's the other person I helped.


"Gaahh!! Wait!!" I look to the side and see Tweek running over to us from behind the counter. "I-I wanna hear too..." He tells me. I nod.

"Okay,anyine else?" It goes quiet for a moment. "Alright. The Silver Dragons are a group of people, almost like a gang. They aren't quite the same, though. They help people everywhere, instill fear in the people who do bad things, and really are like heros. They give food to those who are hungry, company to the lonely, and general help where it's needed. Some got arrested, in the beginning, for killing ganag members around L.A., so they wore stuff that hid much of their faces. They did their work at night, and were average people during the day. Many of them didn't have family or friends that would be there to care if they went missing. Silver Dragons have died by the hands of gangs and police. They're just trying to help." I explain it in short. They all look at me weird. "Kenny, they give you and your sibligs food, right?" He nods. "They leave your dad out of the mix. Isn't that also correct?" He nods again. "There's an example. Kenny and his siblings are starving. They are part of the people to help. His father, on the other hand, is one of the people to get rid of." They still look at me like I'm mad. I point at Shelly. "What's your name?" I ask her.

"Shelly..." I ask her what they did for her. "They gave me a note. It told me to write down a list of stuff that I need for my baby. It said that they would be here throgh all of it... the father left... so they can to help..." She looks down.

"Girls who are expecting and there's no father there are one of the top priorities for the Dragons. They'll usually be almost exactly like a father for the child, just never going to see them. They'll get you whatever you need, as long as you put it on the list." She nods.

"What about me?" I look over to the speaker and ask his name- even though I already know it. "Craig." His voice slightly shakes. "He came into my house last night... he talked to me..."

The moment after he says that, everyone looks at him and starts asking who it sounded like. "Hey, hey! Shut up and let him speak." I say, pushing them all away.

"The voice was distorted, almost like a lot of voices speaking at once. He... I... I had a gun... up to my own head... he somehow took the bullets out... so I couldn't shoot. He told me that nothing in this town happens without him knowing about it. He comforted me... took me away from that home... but he said when I go back, it'll be better..." He explains his case. I slowly nod, trying not to do anything more.

"They help the suicidal people alot, too. They'll come in every night, get you what you need, do what you ask- within limits, of course- and be there when you need them. After you have gotten to your best, they won't visit every night, but will still come in to see you. They'll take care of you." He nods and looks down. "Any more questions?"

"Both me and my mom have a virus that are passed down genetically through her family line." Kyle immediately says. "We could be dead any time within the next few months..." He looks down. I see how nervous he is. "Two nights ago, he came in with a slip of paper giving us a web address and a doctor's name. He also gave us ten full shots with stuff I couldn't identify in them and a thousand dollars in cash." My eyes widen.

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