Chapter One- Moved In

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"Hi, we're the new people in town!"

I roll my eyes at my parents and just slouch in the chair at some random person's house.

"Hi, my parents are dumbasses." I mumble to myself.

"Join the club." The highschooler next to me quietly says back. He sits tall in his chair with a brown jacket on. If I were sitting up straight, I'd almost be his hight.

"Hi, my name's Randy, and this is my wife, Sharon, our daughter, Shelly, and our son, Stan." The highschooler's father says.

My dad shakes his hand. "I'm Dave, this is my wife, Janet, and our son, (m/n)." He responds.

"Stan, go show (m/n*mispronounced*) around town." I growl my name correctly pronounced at him and stand with the highschooler, named Stan, I guess. We walk out of the house.

"So." He randomly says. "What grade are you in?"

"No clue; I'm homeschooled." I respond, spitting into the road.

"How old are you, then?"

I shrug. "I don't know that either." I say truthfully.

He looks at me as we walk. "How do you not know how old you are?"

"My birth parents abandoned me when I was a baby and no one could tell how old I was. I ran away from the orphanage some odd years later and made it out of that state into Cali. Then those two idiots decided to take me in but couldn't legally get me registered into any school, so they homeschooled me." I explained.

"I didn't ask your life story."

"That wasn't even half of it."

The conversation ends. We just walk, he points out important places in the small town and we eventually start to circle back to his house.

"Damn, hippie, what is it with you and new kids?" I hear a voice behind us. Stan stops, so I do as well. I turn my head and see a fat kid wearing a red Alice in Chains hoodie with two others behind him.

"Fuck off, Cartman." Stan says.

The tub of lard, called Cartman, chuckles. "Why, so you can talk lovey-dovey with your new boyfriend?" He sneers.

One of the kids behind him hits him upside the head. "Shut it, fatass. That's a fourth grade thing now." He says. He wears a regular green long-sleeved shirt with a loose orange jacket over it.

"Fucking Jew!!!"

I turn my head back forward and start to walk off, but I feel someone grab my arm. I stop and turn to see the fourth person I've met today. He where's a long orange jacket and brown pants. He just looks at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask blankly. He continues staring at me with a hold on my arm.

"Fags!!" I hear the Cartman kid say. The blonde in front of me stands his ground.

After a bit, he speaks. "What's your name?" He simply asks.

"Nunya. Nunya B. Zwax." I say sarcastically. He raises a brow. "(M/n)." I rebound my previous statement.

"I'm Kenny, you know Stan, that's Cartman, and that's Kyle." He introduces all of us and finally let's go of me. He stands about the same hight as me, maybe just slightly taller, not even by an inch.

"Great meeting you, but I have to go now." I lie. No one really cares when I get back, or if I get back.

"I'm calling bullshit on that!" I hear Cartman yell.

"Since when do you care?" Kyle asks him.

I look back to Kenny. "Most people here don't give an ever-loving crap about their kids. If your parents do, then you'll be moving out soon." He says. I look at him confused. "Don't stress over it." He says. I look slightly down.

"Oi, Cartman." I say, looking up at them. He turns to me. "You caught me, but I was just trying to tell you that I don't give a fuck about people and I want to go home in the nicest way possible. So, goodbye, I'm leaving." I tell all of them, technically. I turn around and head in the direction of my new home. None of them come after me.

Good! Peace an-

"Hey, I'll walk with you!" God damn it.

I turn my head and see Kenny speedwalking to me. I stop moving and wait for him. When he does catch up, I continue walking.

"Tell me something." He says. I look at him.

"What?" I ask what he wants me to tell him.

"Anything. Just talk."

I think for a second. "Well, I don't know my age, original name, or birthparents." I bluntly say. "I don't like oatmeal, Vine, or wheatbread, I like Asian food, cheesecake, waffles, and Fallout-" I try to continue, but he inturupts.

"It's been forever since I had cheesecake... or good food at all. Or played a video game." He says.

My eyebrow raises. "Why?"

"My family's money went away when ny parents got a divorce." He scoffs at his own statement. "What money we did have. Now me and two other siblings live with our dad in a dark, waterless house that reeks of piss and beer." He says, laughing. I just look at him as we walk.

"Doesn't exactly sound like a laughing matter." I tell him.

He giggles a slight bit more. "It's not, I just laugh at everything, no matter how depressing."

We walk in silence. Of course, he breaks it. "Quick question; are you gay?" He randomly says. My words get stuck in my throat. "Sorry, you just seem like someone who'd be gay."

I shush him. "You're right, but don't talk to loudly. The idiots are homophobic." I say quietly.

"You and me both." He says. "It's weird; I didn't tell a soul that until three seconds ago, and I only know three interesting facts about you." He points out.

"So?" He shrugs.

"It doesn't happen often that I'll actually tell someone secrets, nevermind new people."

I keep looking at him. "Trying to say something or-"

"Look out!!" He suddenly grabs me and pulls me back hardly, making me gasp as I fall on top of him, somehow landing facing him.

"The fuck??" I ask angrily, but it's drowned out by the honking of a large truck. I sit up and turn to the road and see a semi drive by.

"You were about to walk into the road you idiot! Do you want to die?" He asks me.

I just stay quiet as I get up and help him up. We continue walking and I eventually make it to my home.

"It was nice meetig you Kenny, and I'll see you again some other day." I say, waving and walking inside.

"Bye (m/n)!" He says. I close the door and sigh, walking straight to my room. I collapse onto my bed and groan.

I hate people so damn much. So far, the people here are the worst. They're too talkative and rude. Then again, this may be what I need. All my life, I've been alone. Maybe having a few friends won't be that bad...


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