Can't Handle It Anymore

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Dean got the call on his lunch break, where he was sitting, talking and laughing with Rufus and his coworkers about some stupid story that he had told. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and his laughter fell from his lips as he fished it out, seeing a number he didn't recognize.

Pressing the talk button, the table fell quiet as Dean moved it to his ear, "Hello?" Dean said, furrowing his eyes in confusion as he heard background shouting on the other line.

"Dean, it's Gabriel," The other voice said, followed by a small sniff, "I got your number from Sam."

"Well, why are you calling?" Dean asked, flinching as he heard something shatter in the background. His coworkers were growing uneasy at Dean's expression, "What the hell is going on there?"

"It's Castiel. He's having a fit and he's throwing things and screaming. Dad and I can't get him to calm down," Gabriel said, letting out a whimper as the screaming grew louder, but just muffled enough that Dean couldn't make out the words, "I wouldn't call if it wasn't important. Please, Dean."

"I'll be there in a minute. Just hang on, okay Gabriel?" Dean replied, standing and pulling on his leather jacket. Gabriel let out a soft 'okay' before he hung up, grabbing his keys.

"What's going on?" Rufus asked, concern on his face as he watched the panicked Dean collecting his things. Dean ran his hand through his hair, making sure he got everything before turning to Rufus.

"Castiel is having a fit. I think he's been getting depressed recently with all the chemo," Dean said, his voice cracking with worry. He didn't know what this meant, but he hoped to God that it wasn't showing that his cancer was getting worse.

"Well, go on then," Rufus said, waving his hand quickly towards the door, "Don't waste time talking to us about it."

"Thanks, Rufus. I'll make it up to you," Dean replied, hurrying out of the break room and heading out of the building. He borderline jogged to his car, getting in and starting up the engine before backing out, all thoughts on Castiel.


Dean made it to Castiel's house in record time, almost jumping out of his car as soon as the engine switched off. He hurried to the porch, knocking on the door. Regrettably, it seemed that Castiel had not calmed down, as he heard shouting coming from the distance, making him wince as he walked in the house.

There was shattered remains of a vase laying on the floor, the shards scattered across the small hallway haphazardly. He made his way through it, his shoes crunching as he stepped on the smaller shards.

He found Castiel and Chuck in the kitchen, Gabriel hiding in the other doorway, concern on both of their faces as Castiel screamed at them, tears streaming down his face and his body shaking like mad.

"Cas?" Dean said, his voice barely heard through the shouts. It was all the was needed to get Castiel's attention. The boy looked at him, his anger faltering just a moment before it returned, his jaw clenching as he turned to Chuck.

"What's he doing here?" Castiel shouted, more tears spilling from his lids, "Why can't you just leave me in peace?!"

Dean took a step forwards, making Castiel back away, his body beginning to shiver as Dean grew slowly closer, "Cas, we're here to help you," Dean urged softly, his eyes filled with concern as Castiel shook his head, gripping the counter to support himself.

"No!" Castiel shouted, a sob wracking his throat before he could continue, "Just let me die! I don't want to live anymore! I don't want to be a burden!"

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, feeling his own tears beginning to sting the back of his eyes, "A burden? Cas, you will never be a burden. Do you know how much we all care for you?" Dean replied, getting closer. Castiel tried to step away, but he was trapped by the counter, making him whimper.

"You'll leave. It'll get worse, and you all will leave!" Castiel cried, his hand covering his mouth as he shuddered and gasped. Dean moved forwards quickly, allowing his hand to graze Castiel's cheek, wiping away a trail of tears.

"I'll never leave you," Dean replied, pulling Castiel into his arms. Castiel slumped against him, clutching onto his shirt as began crying into his chest, his crying filling the air around them.

"I won't get better," Castiel cried softly, his grip on Dean tightening, "I'll just keep getting sicker and sicker and if you stay, you'll have to watch me die."

"Castiel, I swear, you are the strongest person I know," Dean began, forcing Castiel to look at him as he wiped away more tears, his thumb moving gently across Castiel's cheekbone. He forgot that Chuck and Gabriel were even there, with only the thought of needing to help Castiel on his mind, "You will get through it. You will beat this, and I will be with you every step of the way. We all will."

Castiel stared at him for what seemed to be years before he let out a sniff, more tears falling as he hugged Dean, "I'm so sorry for snapping!" He whimpered, allowing Dean to let out a sigh of relief as he ran his fingers through Castiel's hair.

"It's okay, Cas. It's okay," Dean said, glancing back to where Chuck and Gabriel were standing, watching them with concern, "Why don't you go spend some time with your family. I'll check up on you later, alright?"

Castiel let a soft nod against Dean's chest, shivering as he pulled back from the hug. Dean gave him an encouraging smile, taking his hand and squeezing it gently before letting Castiel walk over to his family. Chuck hugged him tightly, tears making tracks in his face and beard and Gabriel let out a sniff, getting pulled in by Chuck so they were all hugging.

Dean smiled, taking a step back before leaving the room, giving the family the space they so desperately needed.

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