To The Hospital We Go

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Dean groaned as he came to, his head throbbing and his body feeling as if it was on fire. He was greeted by the sights of his little brother, Sam, a sophomore in high school and a worried expression on the teen’s face. As soon as Sam noticed he was awake, he smiled in relief, grabbing Dean’s hand and squeezing it tight, though he remained quiet as to not add pain to Dean’s already injured head.


“Are you okay? I came home and saw you laying on the floor with dad beating the living hell out of you.” Sam asked, concern littering his features. Dean let out a grunt, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Sam. “Don’t get up. You were hurt pretty bad.”


“I...I don’t remember what we were fighting about, but it got pretty bad and….I guess I was being a pretty big dick for him to do that.” Dean said softly, trying vainly to remember. He must have got hit on the head and had a small lapse of his memory. He noticed Sam frown.


“Dean, he beat you to an inch of his life, and you’re trying to say that it was your fault that you pushed him that much? You know how stupid you sound right now?” Sam said in mild annoyance, letting out a sigh and squeezing his brother’s hand again. “I thought I lost you, you jerk.”


“I’m here, Sammy. It’s going to take a lot more to kill me.” Dean said reassuringly, lifting his arm to pat his brother’s head, only to frown when he saw an IV sticking in it. He looked around the room, furrowing his eyebrows.


“How long have I been out?” Dean asked, looking back at Sam with curiosity. Sam shifted in his seat, looking anywhere but Dean.


“Just a couple days.” He finally muttered, and Dean began to notice the dark rings that surrounded his brother’s eyes. He did also look very pale compared to what he normally was. Dean felt his heart wrench in guilt.


“Have you been sleeping at all?” Dean asked, squeezing his brother’s hand, though it felt weird as the muscle clenched around the IV. Sam shook his head hesitantly, and Dean sighed, letting go of Sam’s hand.


“Go home and rest. I’ll be fine by myself for one day.” Dean urged, only to cringe when Sam gave him those puppy eyes. He groaned, cracking under the look like he always did. “Fine, you can stay, but go to sleep. Get on this bed.”

Dean shifted over to one side, despite Sam’s protests, and grabbed the boy, dragging him to the open spot. “Lay down.” Dean commanded, earning a smirk from Sam before the boy sighed in defeat and crawled into bed with his brother. Dean wrapped his arms around him, like he used to do when Sam was little, and sighed, closing his eyes.

It only took a few minutes before he heard Sam's breathing even out and smiled, squeezing Sam gently and affectionately. It warmed his heart to know his brother cared so much.


Dean woke up to the sound of the hospital door being opened. He blinked his eyes groggily, raising his head so he could see over his brother's sleeping form next to him and saw the nurse slipping. She smiled softly at the both of them, creeping over to Dean's side and whispering.

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