Chapter 9 - Good Bye Tracker

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WARNING: This story is about assassins, in order to best portray this according to my mind there WILL be some strong language and violence, I will try to keep it to a minimum but i feel it is necessary in order to show the personality of the character, if that isn't you thing don't read!

Author's Note: Hello to all who have been reading my story. I want to say thank you for reading and I also want to say I am sorry that I have not updated in a while, life has been crazy the last couple months. But now that summer is here I should have more time. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please dont be shy in telling me how you like it! Thanks

Chapter 9 – Good Bye Tracker

I ducked into the dark alley way and waited. Soon enough, a dark figure slunk into the shadows of the ally. I knew it was one of The Five’s agents; they had been stocking me for a week now. The Five still hadn’t realized how much of a threat I was, they were still sending amateur agents after me. Really? I kicked Jason’s ass and he was a level 8 agent, level 12 being the most experienced.

My stocker made the mistake of coming out of the shadows just long enough to aim my gun. I fired and them man fell to the ground. I walked over to where he lay gasping for breath.

“What were they thinking, sending an amateur after me” I said as I bumped him with the toe of my boot.

“You’re dead” the man hissed

“You really have no room to talk” I said before putting a bullet between his eyes.

That was number 8 so far and it had only been a week since I blew up the club. Normally I’d be pissed that I had to fight people off my ass at every turn but, I was having fun with it. It was good practice, but I was getting board with these amateurs. I wanted a challenge!

I left the ally and headed back to my motel. Thanks to my little friend, I’d have to move again. This was the 8th time in one week, but I knew it wasn’t likely to change anytime soon. I had made my bed and now I had to live with it.

When I got back to the motel, I grabbed my stuff and left as quick as I could. I knew that it wouldn’t really do any good to run since I still had The Five’s tracker in me. Even with the scrambler, I knew I wouldn’t be safe till I got it out. I ran outside and jumped in my Lamborghini, my newest ride, and drove off.  I grabbed my phone and dialed up ‘Stitch’. Dr. Jeremy Kendrick, or stitch as I call him, is my favorite patcher. Whenever I would get injured on a mission, I’d go to Stitch before I let any of The Five’s doctors touch me. The main reason I trust Stitch is because he owed me his live. He is one of the only targets, excluding my first 3 missions, that I have ever left living. He had been the personal doctor of one of The Five’s big time investors. The guy’s wife had had cancer and when she died, the guy wanted Stitch dead too. Thus I left him alive for 2 reasons. Number 1 because The Five wanted him dead, number 2 because he was a doctor. Now Stitch owes me his life and he knows it. He also knows I will kill him the moment he crosses me.

Ring, ring, ring…


“Hey Stitch”

“Samantha! To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your lovely voice; please tell me you are not injured”

“No, no, I’m not hurt”

“Then what can I do for you my dear?”

“Stitch, how are you at taking out trackers?”

“I do not know. I have never tried. You know Samantha, if you take out your tracker, The Five will assume you went rouge.”

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