Chapter 4 - I Never Knew Revenge Tasted so Sweet

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Chapter 4 –I Never Knew Revenge Tasted so Sweet!

“Please, don’t hurt us!”The lady pleaded as she hugged her child to her chest and cowered into the corner of the bedroom.

A cruel smile played at my lips as I saw the power of fear I had over them. It felt good!

In the last 3 months since my 1st revenge mission, I had eliminated four more of The Five’s minor acquaintances, while also completing two more missions for The Five. But I had gotten board with these minor acquaintances so I decided to dig deeper.

The Five was actually a group of five Guatemalan political figures who had joined together to form a secret assassin agency called the GIAA (Guatemalan Internal Assassin Agency). About 12 years ago, one of the five, Charles Remerez, had an affair with an American citizen named Katherine Clark, who had moved to Guatemala three years prior. When she became pregnant, Remerez dumped her and the baby, having absolutely no contact with them from then on.

Now I would kill her and the kid!

Katherine stared at me with fear-filled eyes, taking in my appearance. I was dressed in all black with what I had daubed as my ‘mission boots’ on my feet. I wore a black ski mast over my face so that no one would recognize me, not that there would be anyone left breathing that had seen me, plus a ski masked always instills more fear in a victim. And when you are like me, it’s the fear you see in their eyes that keeps the adrenaline pumping through your system.

I held my favorite SIG P239 pointed at her head. I also had M906 the back of my pants and multiple knives all over my body, if nothing else I was prepared.

When her eyes met mine, she shuddered. I knew she had seen that evil gleam that took over my emerald green eyes when I was on a revenge mission, and I took pleasure in watching her hug the child closer to her in fear.

“Please,” she begged, “if its money you want, I’ll…I’ll…I’ll pay anything you want.” She finished with a stutter.

“I don’t want your money” I said adding a heavy Russian Accent to my voice for the fun of it.

“Then wh…wh…what do you want” she stuttered in fear.

“Revenge” I said as I shot her in the forehead.

The kid started to scream.

“Ah, shut up kid” I said.

The kid only screamed louder.

“You asked for it.” I aimed my gun and shot the kid in the forehead as well. The scream turned into a gargled noise then died all together. “I warned you” I said as a smile spread across my face. I looked at the two lifeless bodies in front of me; this mission was the start of The Five’s fall. I could feel it. I chuckled to myself, my next target would be even bigger, and the one after that, bigger still, till I worked my way all up to The Five themselves.

An evil laugh escaped my lips; I never knew revenge tasted so sweet!

Samantha, Rogue Assassin, Revenge Mission #6

– Completed –

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