chapter 3

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"Carrie!" Danny flew around Amity Park, his silver hair glowed in the moonlight. "Carrie!" he shouted one last time before landing in the park, he looked around and sighed "Carrie" he said quietly sitting on the swings, "im so sorry" he held his head in his hands.

"Danny?" a familliar female voice asked from next to him, his head shot up and he darted a look towards the voice to see Carrie smiling holding her head.

"Carrie!" he exclaimed pulling her close and hugging her tightly "i'm so, so sorry" he said in her ear. she pulled away slightly

"for what? i'm fine" she smiled

"but what if something happened to you? i couldn't live with myself if-" he was cut of by her lips crashing onto his. she pulled away,

"i love that you care" Danny smiled at his girlfriend,

"well come on" he held her hand tightly and transformed back to Danny Fenton "your mum is worried sick". 

They decided to walk home because Carrie said the sky was so beautiful, but this time Danny kept a sharp eye on her.

"Mum!" Danny called when he opened the door, "we're home" they walked into the front room and Lauran hugged Carrie tightly, 

"where have you been?" she asked finally letting her daughter go.

"i dont actully know" she replied rubbing her head, before sitting on the sofa.

"what's wrong with your head?" Danny asked sitting next to her.

"i'm not sure, must have hit it" 

"we better get it checked out" Lauran pulled her daughter up softly, "thank you, for finding her" Danny smiled at Lauran,

"bye Carrie" 

"bye" she smiled walking out of the room and following her mum to the car.


"is she ok?" Sam asked as she walked next to Danny on their way to school, Tucker walked on the other side playing on his phone.

"yeah, they kept her overnight and she wont be in school, but she's fine"

"if she's fine, why isn't she coming to school?" Tucker asked looking up from his phone "and why did they keep her overnight?" Danny looked over at Tucker

"they were checking for brian damage, but they didn't find anything and i think her mum just wants to make sure" Tucker nodded 

"fair enough" they walked into the hallway and towards their lockers when Danny's ghost sense was set off.

"oh great" Danny sighed as he saw Amy flying towards him, Danny ran into a closet and transformed before flying through the door and towards the box ghost.

"what do you want this time?" Danny said hovering in front of her, she just shrugged

"wanted to check up on my sister, and my boyfriend" she smiled

"i'm not your boyfriend!" he snapped "and as you can see, Carrie isn't here, she's safe away from you!" he threw a green plasma ball at her but she dodged it.

"tut tut" she smiled "you should know better" she shot a red plasma ball at him sending him flying into a set of lockers "Carrie's not as safe as you think" she said before flying off out of the school. Sam and Tucker ran to Danny's side and helped him up.

"what was that about?" Tucker asked

"and what did she mean Carrie isn't safe?" Sam finished. Danny shock his head,

"i dont know, but i'm going to find out" he ran out of the hall and flew after Amy, trying to catch up with her.


Carrie sat at her computer flicking from tab to tab everytime her mum walked in. on one tab she had the begining of an english essay and the other was a games website she played on when she was board. she lent back in her chair and sighed

"what's the matter love?" Lauran asked walking in on her sigh.

"why can't i go back to school? i'm fine" her mum sighed

"just as a procaution" she said, Carrie sighed again

"fine" she turned back to the computer.

"oh and i'm going out for a bit" Lauran said walking through the room pulling her coat on "want anything?"

"a mum who doesn't wrap me in bubble wrap" Lauran laughed sarcasticly 

"ok, anything you want" she smiled the left, locking the door behind her. Carrie sighed again and shock her head then closed the homwork tab on the computer and continued playing her games.

"hello sister" Amy said from behind Carrie. Carrie span around quickly and stood up

"what are you doing here?" she snapped

"just here to" Amy held her hand up "finish the job" she smirked and clicked her fingers.

"what do you-" Carrie froze and her brown eyes flashed red.

"good, do you remeber what i told you?" Carrie nodded "good, cause here he comes" Amy looked towards the window then sank through the floor. Danny flew through the window and transformed in front of Carrie.

"Carrie, are you ok?" he asked taking a step towards her, but she took a step back

"get away from me!" she snapped her red eyes blazing.

"Carrie, its me, Danny" 

"i know who you are freak, i said get away from me" her hands glow pink with ectoplasam,

"Carrie" he said disheartedly 

"get away!" she yelled throwing a plasma ball at him, he tried to dodge it but it hit him in the arm. Danny winced and held his arm in pain, he looked at the girl he loved with tears in his eyes before nodding, transforming and flying back out of the window.

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