chapter 4

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Danny sat in the nasty burger rubbing his arm and staring at the full plate in front of him,

"are you gonna eat that?" Tucker sat opposite him smiling. Danny shrugged and pushed the plat towards Tucker

"you need to eat something Danny" Sam said from next to him, "tell us what happened" Danny looked up at her and she smiled at him. he sighed slightly and sat up,

"she attacked me" he said simply.

"what do you mean attacked?" Tucker said with a mouth full of burger.

"her eyes were red and she kept telling me to leave her alone, she called me a freak then hit me with one of her ectoplasam balls" Danny showed them the burn on his arm "the worst thing is, i dont even know why" Danny felt like he was going to burst into tears but he knew he couldn't, not in front of his friends.

"thats horrible" Sam said rubbing Danny's are surrportively.

"wait?" tucker said swollowing "you said Carrie's eyes were red"

"yeah" Danny shrugged, Tucker sighed

"well isn't Carrie's eyes brown? like her hair,"

"your a genius Tuck" Sam smiled "honestly Danny she's your girlfriend, you spend enough time staring into them" Danny smiled slightly "who ever it was who attacked you, it wasn't Carrie"


Danny sighed and ran his fingers through his think black hair, he stared at the computer sceen debating to himself on wether to send Carrie a message on MSN. It was like her name called out to him, he had to do it, so he did. he typed the words 'are you still mad?' praying the repy would be no. He sat staring at the screen again entill the chat box flashed,

"why would i be mad?" sarcasticqueen14 replied

"you dont remeber?" ghostboy21 asked. Danny held his arm slightly as he remebered what had happened earlier that day.

"Danny you're scaring me" was the message he got back, followed by "what did i do to make you think in was mad?" Danny sighed

"i think it's better i tell you in person" he lent back in his chair afraid for her answer.

"no, you'll tell me know Daniel Fenton or you can forget the promise i made you"  Danny sighed 'dammit' he thought

"it's just, you sorta hit me" he typed cautiously before sending.

"i always hit you stupid, its called play fighting" Carrie replied with a little smiley face at the end.

"no i meant" he sighed "meet me tomorrow at the nasty burger with Tucker and Sam" he sent the message then went offline so she could refuse.


Sam and Tucker sat opposite each other at one of the window tables watching out for either Carrie or Danny.

"why do you think we're here?" Sam asked looking at Tucker,

"i dont know" he shrugged

"niether do i" a small voice said from behind him. Carrie stood there with red puffy eyes

"Carrie have you been crying?" Sam exclaimed moving over and letting her sit down. Carrie nodded, "why?" she sniffed slightly

"Danny told me i hit him, but i always hit him like play fighting, i'd never hurt him and i'm" he eyes welled up with tears "what if he breaks up with me?" she broke into tears and covered her face with her hands, putting her head on the table. Sam rubbed Carries back

"he wont, you guys are perfect together" Carrie lifted her head up,

"you think so?" Sam nodded with a smiled and gave Carrie a napkin to wipe away her tears.

"Danny better have a good reason for this" Tucker said,

"oh i do" Danny said from behind Tucker. he sat next to Tucker and lifted the sleeve on his shirt up, showing Carrie his burn. Carrie gasped in horror,

"i did that to you?" Danny nodded. Her eyes widened in terror

"Danny, im so sorry!" she exclaimed "but i dont remeber any of it!" Sam nodded

"we know" she smiled slightly trying to comfort Carrie.

"you were there!?" 

"no, Danny told us" tucker spoke from the corner of their table. Carrie nodded

"so you brought me here to tell me i burned you"

"and to tell you, i think somethings wrong with you" Carrie sat up straight

"you think somethings wrong with me?" she said disheartedly. in the mean time of them talking they hadn't noticed Amy using her demon powers to become invisable and stand next to them. she had been listening the whole time.

"Carrie dont over react" Danny said raising his hands up slightly. 'perfect' Amy thought and she clicked her fingers. Carrie heard the click and her eyes turned red slightly, 

"dont over react? you just said theres something wrong with me!" she exclaimed hitting her hands on the table "how did you expect me to react!?" by this time a few people in sat at other tables had noticed and had started to look.

"Carrie-" Danny's voice broke as he recongised her anger.

"Danny, her eyes!" Tucker said pointing at Carrie's face. Carrie snapped her head towards Tucker and hissed slightly.

"i'm never going near you again Daniel Fenton!!" she yelled storming away from the table and out of the nasty burger "you're a freak! and i never loved you!!" Danny felt tears sting his eyes, Sam put her hand on his

"Danny she-" 

"No!" he snapped standing up and pushing her hand away, "you saw that, her eyes didn't change, that was her!" tears streamed down his face "she doesn't love me" he dropped his head "she never did"

"but i do" Amy appered next to him smiling. Danny slummped back in his chair

"not intrested" Danny said looking downwards.

"get lost Amy" Sam said standing up "or i'll-"

"you'll what?" Amy interrupped. Sam sat back down "didn't think so" she said smirking.

"i'm going after her" Danny stood up quickly pushed Amy out the way and walked quickly in the direction Carrie stormed off. Amy's face dropped to see Sam and Tucker follow him out, she growled slightly and followed them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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