One Last Time - 4

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The moment is not lost as I stare at him as if he is providing me with the most precious thing in the world which he is. He is just so precious to me that my heart just swells with happiness. I take his hand and place a soft lingering kiss on the soft flesh.

"You won't regret it, I promise. "He smiles at me and snorts before he sniffs.

"That was just beautifully said." Then behind him a man appears and my smile disappears.

"Everything okay, Carson? "he asks in his loud baritone, his hand on Carson's shoulder and I narrow my eyes at him, telling him that Carson is mine for the time being, he only smirks and tightens his grip. Carson sniffs and shrugs off the hand still looking at me.

"Everything is fine, Ben. I'll be with you in a moment. "

"Are you sure?" He asks still eyeing me but I don't miss the hurt which enters his gaze at Carson's shrug.

"Yes, everything is good. "Carson smiles a secret smile, something only he knew, only he would ever know. Ben nods and leaves and I cup Carson's cheek.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He shakes his head.

"I will be free in two days, I hope you stay true to your word, Leo, I'd hate to have to be mad at you. Again." He smiles with a small blush.

"I would hate to have you mad at me." I whisper and he leans onto his tip toe, shocking me as he wraps his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I sigh and hold his waist, pulling him to my body, he feels so warm, so cozy, and he smells like lavender and cream, so familiar, like home. He kisses my cheek, softly, like a feather brushing my skin, but warm because it's him and my own cheeks gain colour too.

"Good bye, Leo. "He says walking into the house.

"See you later, Carson." I whisper still staring at the door as it closes. Two days, thats how much time I have to prepare, two days to look even a little bit healthier and to plan out our day. I smile, oh, Carson, I can't wait to have you in my arms.

~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~

"I'm happy for you, baby, but, are you sure about this? "I am mess of nerves and excitement, knowing that tomorrow I will be with Carson has my heart pumping blood faster than it normally did.

"Yes, it's like my dying wish." I pause, "Sorry."

"Don't apologise, Leo, I want you to be honest with me. It makes it easier. "She takes in a deep breath and I know that it doesn't, the fact that she knows that our time is limited is just too much but I humour her.


"When will you tell him? "I sigh and plop myself onto her comfortable bed and I face her. She reaches out to touch my cheek with a smile.

"I don't know, never?" She frowns.

"You can't do that, Leo, that isn't right. "I groan and fall onto the bed.

"I know."

"You have to tell him. "

"I can't!" I basically yell and she is silent, "if I do, he will not look at me the same way, he won't treat me like the Leo he knew and love, he will be more cautious, afraid he'll hurt me and I don't want that!" Tears start to brim, "I don't want him to treat me like I'm fragile, like I'll break any moment."

"But you might. "She says weakly.

"I know, but I don't want to see that look on his face." My chest rises and falls rapidly.

One Last Time (ManxMan)√Where stories live. Discover now