Chapter 8 - Vikram

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Her face began to haunt me, just like it always did, every time I thought of her. I once again used my strong will power...forcefully suppressing the warmth filled feelings of Sara into the deep dark pool of my cold cold heart.

This is nor the time nor the place to dwell on the past. Ever since last night I feel as if I am caught in some world of video game, with fight and the video tape showing Nathan appearance after 50 years of disappearance. What will Nathan say about all this? He must be in so much pain. What kind of a son does that to his own father and why?

The new addition to our family..he seemed not a day over 18. That must have been the age when he first started and feeding on human blood. He started young just as all the males are predicted to do of our family.

With only thirty years of experiencing the vampire life he was shot by the deadly bullet. But if he is alive it means that the bullet was not as deadly as it was anticipated.

That girl Karisma who shot him was executed maybe a little too soon. If she was somehow grilled a little more, she would have spilled all her secrets and the reason as to why she wanted to kill Vikram.

Nathan has been hiding in India for as long as I can recall and never once did he mention him. Is Suraj even his right hand as he has claimed to be? What if it was he who had plotted the master killing of Vikram.

Why didn't I ever get a chance to meet him?

Vikram had left roses for me, he knows me, and he knows this place. He left the flowers to maybe convey this message. I guess that though he wants to reach out to me he somehow is afraid of my reaction. I really can't blame him for that. After all I tend go overboard sometimes..

"Sometimes...are you really sure..Great Aunt Ravina.." I hear a calm male voice whisper and in a split of a second, I am towering over him, baring my fangs. I hate intruders!

Luckily his face is clearly visible and his fear for me pretty evident in his glowing red eyes. I quickly loosened my hold over his neck taking a small step back.

Its hard to believe he is standing right in front of me. He looks far younger in person, than he did on camera. Oh Vikram! What a sweet looking kid!

"Awww...stop calling me a kid. If you actually calculate it I must be in my early fifties," he whined and I couldn't keep myself from smiling back at him.

Just like I couldn't will myself to hug him back when he gave me tight one. I didn't realize that the muscles of my arms had become so stiff like my heart. I couldnt conjure to bear such proximity even though I knew he was like my son. I can' t feel any love or warmth. Oh Yeah! That was because he was in hiding and had tortured his father for nearly 50 years.

"Ummm yeah you can stop hug..hugging me. But do go ahead and tell me why you have been playing hide and seek with my nephew for so many years hmmm," I asked him as I broke of his hug, crossing my arms over my chest and began to tap my foot in anticipation.

"Well..yeah sure. I mean this is why I came here. But, first what I am about to tell you ...will freak you out. So take a seat.." he tossed his glance towards my chair and I followed his direction doing as told. I know, that's not me. But, things I do to get to know things. Anyways, as soon as I sat a long and I do mean long farting noise came.

"What the..?" I all but shouted out, as I stood up.

"Surprise!", came the roaring noise from the flock of vampires I had sent scurrying off in his search a while ago.

I was very much taken aback by this sudden arrival of all and unknowingly took my seat again leading to a loud, "PpppRrrFffTTTTT,"  noise yet again.

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