~Chapter 4~

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"Good morning father, I am on my way to that small cottage I am going to bring her back this way." said prince Eric. "ok my son." the king said and prince Eric was on his way. The journey from the castle to the cottage wasn't at all long some say it would take him a two hours journey but with out any complications he got there in about 1 amazed that he could still see the castle on the hill from her forest he kept riding. "I am not really sure what to say to him/or her I am afraid what if things don't go right what if he/she tries to kill me" he thought. He arrived at the cottage and to his surprise he seen a big garden of flowers and a creak oh the scene was beautiful and the sun shined brighter her it seemed.

As he nervously walked up to the door he knocked. "oh great it must be the kings messenger." she went to the door happy to have company. As she opened the door his heart melted at her beauty. "wow" he thought "how pretty this girl is now im even more nervous to tell her the news I have came to bring." "Oh my goodness hello, prince it is a surprise to see you here I figured it was the messenger what an honor" she said. "oh my my, call me Eric whats your name?" "Hey Eric, I am Maggie." "well Maggie it is certainly nice to meet you." "come in and please excuse the little home I don't have company much." "Ms. Maggie it is fine now tell me why is such a pretty girl like you living all by yourself in a cottage in the forest?" "Well Prince, a long time ago I dated the towns mailman he broke up with me and told the whole town I was mean to him everyone around thought it was true but I knew it wasn't everyday I went out of my home I would be asked the questions of did you do this I would feel so awful so I found this little cottage and moved in. that was about three years ago and I have been living here since." "Well my dear what an awful story." "yes it is and I want to tell you I am soo sorry for not coming last night to be honest I couldn't find any clothes to wear I am hardly ever in town and I was really scared." "well it is ok." "what was the meeting about?" "Well you see my father and I used to hunt in these woods with a couple of our kind fellow hunters. We spent a lot of our time here. One day we came upon this beautiful cottage home and wondered who was living in it. I told my father that I wanted to meet the person living here one day. He said when we have the ball he would invite you for dinner afterwards. I wanted to talk to you about this beautiful place and meet the one that lived here and made not only the house but the gardens look great."

"oh my, thank you! I pray that the kingdom treats you well." "aww thank you, so tell me about yourself what do you do for spare time?" he said. "well, you see I don't really live like a qeen I don't have much money im all by myself and no one ever comes around. I sing, read and cook all day and maybe clean." "That sounds fun. So are you a Christian do you ever happen to read the Bible?" "oh yes, I am I read the Bible a lot now, since I have a lot of free time. I got saved right here in this cottage last year and I have never been the same. I love reading the Bible I read it so much." "That is great, I do too I got saved one day when a young preacher came to my castle 3 years ago it was such a wonderful day." " im so happy." she said "me too, so I have to be on my way but can I stop by tomorrow or sometime? I really like talking to you." "yes, that would be lovely." "ok bye my dear until tomorrow." "bye" she said and he was on his way. Wow she couldn't believe this what a day he stayed the whole day and they had things in common. Hopefully they will become wonderful friends.

The Cottage by Katie GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now