~Chapter 5~

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"Good morning" she said to herself as she woke up man she still couldn't believe the night she had had last night. She felt like they had been friends forever and she thought he was just so sweet. She had had a huge crush on him when she lived in the village and when they were about 17 but it kind of went way when she got older and moved to the cottage she's in now. I hope he really does come back today.

"Good Morning" he said to himself wow she was such a sweet girl and very pretty. He had always seen her when they were about 17 in the villages library but she never saw him he also had a crush on her he would go there everyday to see her because she worked there but he never talked to her that crush since then faded away and now he only wanted to be friends. I am so excited to go back today I am so happy I finally have a real friend who just wants to be friends with me not friends with a prince. Jake wasn't that way he just got to caught up with being the messenger for the king he just didn't spend time with Eric like he used to.

" good moring beautiful, may I call you that?" he said to her as he walked in "yes and my I call you handsome?" "yes you can." she said and things were going fantastic.

............One Month later....................

They had been talking for a while he came over everyday and I think things were getting pretty good for them. "You know what I think that we have been friends for a while its about time we go on our first date, somewhere to eat maybe and then we could maybe go see the king? my dad wants to meet you." "wait though we aren't even dating yet are we?" "will you be my girlfriend?" "yes now I will go with you to eat but meet the king that is kind of scary." "Hes not that bad I promise."

the date went great I am pretty sure this was going to be an everyday thing for some reason it felt that way. " I had fun tonight" "me too, now are you ready to go meet my Dad?" "yes." I said as I we rolled upon the castle. "Thanks Jacob." your welcome Eric" he said as he held the door open for us. " This is my girlfriend and we are coming to meet my dad." We walked pass several huge huge rooms and a couple of Painting of him yes Eric on the wall im talking like little picture size painting im talking like massive sized paintings of him and it was beautiful. "right this way" he said and she took his hand and they walked in together. "Hey, dad this is my new girlfriend." "new? boy you come in talking about this girl everyday." he said with a laugh I put my hand out to shake his as you would do for a king. "oh my my no no no you don't have to do that anyone who is a friend of my son is a friend of mine." He said and smiled really big we talked for a long time and I finally realized the king liked me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A note from the author before proceeding~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The story is going to switch to her point of view now like she's the one telling the story instead of me. Thanks !!! hope you are liking the story.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beginning of the story again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Back at my cottage we set and watched tv." what do you want to watch?" "anything that you want it doesn't matter to me find something on Netflix." he smiled and said "okay." I was so nervouse cause other than the mail man this was the first boyfriend I have had and with him he never tried to kiss me hold my hand or anything. "is this one ok?" "yes Eric it is just fine." I said. man I was dating a prince this was kind of weird but all I know was that I really like him and he loves GOD which is something that makes me soo happy. As we watched the movie I felt him move his arm around me and I leaned in closer to him I felt kind of nervous "there you go watch a movie snuggle and pizza that sounds good." "hahaha yeah" except actually we didn't really watch the movie we talked the whole time. "So I am so glad that we are together now and you know what I am so glad that GOD has sent me a good Godly man like you are." I said still all cuddled up with him "me too." "GODs love is amazing, you know I was thinking about how I had to move into this small cottage beacause I wasn't wanted by the town and its people but I thought that's never going to be true sure they didn't want me but once I asked Jesus into my heart and got saved I realized that doesn't matter because I have a heavenly father who wants me and no matter what happens he is always here for me. What an amazing savior we have. When I feel low I don't have to and when I feel like im alone I don't have to because GOD has saved me and the person I used to be isn't who I am aren't you thankful. " "oh I couldn't have said it better myself, I am so thankful sometimes being a prince gets stressful and I feel low also but you know what I have someone on my side that makes me feel loved and with Him I am never alone. His love endures forever God said He would go with us All the Way." we both smiled as tears came to our eyes. "you know, I have been praying that I would find someone that loved the Lord and would love me to and I think I have found the one." "I feel the same way." he said as he hugged me tighter.

I looked down at him as he looked down at me. I felt love I felt like I knew he was the one. "can I.....can.... I" he said with a gaze into my eyes. "can I kiss you?" he asked I haven't ever kissed anyone as I said before. "um yeah go for it." I said with a smile. He bent down closer super slow and stopped and gazed into my eyes and then I closed mine as I felt his lips press against mine and all I know was I wanted to lay her and kiss him forever. We continued to kiss for about another minute or two but who was counting. "I really want to tell you something I think I am falling in love with you and I honestly don't know how to say this but I know it is early and I know we haven't been dating long but I love you." he said. " I love you too" I said .

the next month went great every thing was fantastic.

The Cottage by Katie GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now