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Germany woke up before any of the others did, just as the sun was rising in the sky. He looked over and saw Japan sleeping peacefully. Sighing, he pulled himself out of bed and ran a hand through his hair, which was falling in his face annoyingly.

Rubbing his eyes, he stumbled into the bathroom, where he took a quick, cold shower to wake himself up a bit.

Germany walked out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair dry with a fluffy, white towel. He pulled on a pair of blue sweatpants as he walked over to the bed.

Noticing the clock as it switched to say 8:03, he figured Japan and Italy should be awoken so they would have time to get ready for the meeting.

Sighing, he pulled back the sheets on the bed, as Italy was-as usual-completely buried underneath them.

The Italian was curled in a tight ball, breathing heavily. Germany gently shook Italy's shoulder, attempting to wake him up. Italy mumbled something unintelligible and shifted slightly, rolling onto his back.

Germany gasped.

The bed was stained red, and there were small cuts all over Italy's body. Some seemed scattered and random, unplanned. And yet some of the other cuts and slices...they seemed almost too precise, too clean, too formed.

"Italy? Italy? Feliciano?" Germany shook the other man gently, trying not to worsen his wounds. When Italy did not wake, Germany slipped over to Japan and frantically hit him on the head.

"Japan! Japan wake up!"

The Japanese man slowly opened his eyes, looking up wearily at Germany. "What is it Germany-san?"

"Come quick, look at Italy. I think he was attacked," Germany said gravely, but with a slight waver in his voice. Japan quickly pulled himself out of his bed. When he saw the sleeping Italy, he gasped in astonishment.

"He won't awake either! I'm quite worried, to be honest."

Japan only nodded in response, surveying the wounds littering Italy's form.

"They don't seem to be life threatening, unless they continue to bleed. Why don't we patch him up, see if he will wake, and inform Britain that he is unable to attend the meeting?" he offered. Germany nodded, and then, after a moment of silence, he spoke again.

"Japan...who could have attacked him? And why?"

Japan only looked at Germany solemnly, noticing the slight worry and fear showing through his mask of stern discipline.

"I do not know, Germany."

He looked back down at Italy.

"I do not know."


"Ja, Italy is unable to attend the meeting today Britain."

Japan could hear Britain's voice coming from the phone.

"Don't tell me he's just sleeping. That's no excuse."

Germany took a deep breath.

"No, Britain. Well, yes, he is sleeping, but I cannot wake him up. He has...contracted some injuries over night. They aren't serious, but he bled quite a bit and-and no matter what we try he will not wake up. Not even for pasta."

There was silence on the phone for a bit. Them Britain let out a loud, long sigh before he said, "Come to the meeting. We were moving up the time anyway. Be here in ten minutes. And bring Italy."

And he hung up.


Germany carried Italy down the hall bridal style, Japan at his side. His wounds were patched up and had been carefully cleaned. The others were already in the large room that they were meeting in, as the actual meeting was supposed to start ten minutes ago. However, the three were understandably held up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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