Chapter One: Kidnapped

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 Nothing exciting ever happens here.

Or so I thought.

I was headed up to bed, tired from a long, awful day of babysitting. I tossed on my PJs and turned to my bed.  Out my window, I saw a blurry figure zoom past. I gasped in shock. I laughed, as if trying to convince myself that nothing was there and that I was okay.

Boy, was I wrong. 

That night, I was awoken by a burning sensation going through my whole body. My bones ached and I was sweating like crazy. I thrashed in utter pain, throwing off the covers. I heard a growl of satisfaction and saw the same blurry figure as before. “Mom?” I squeaked, mustering up all of my energy to talk. “Dad?” No answer. “Jason?” My voice was down to a hoarse whisper. I tried to stand up, but as soon as my feet hit the floor, the world spun around and everything went black


Before I even opened my eyes, I smelled bacon. My stomach growled in response to the lovely scent hanging in the air. My eyes widened and I scrambled down the stairs. I was greeted by my older brother Jason (who we call Jay) sitting on the couch and hunched over a plate of eggs and pancakes. Those were the only two foods he knows how to cook. Jay’s not completely sore on the eyes, let me just say. I mean, he is my brother, so I’m not really allowed to have an opinion or anything, but I guess I’ll describe him for you.

Jay doesn’t have a “best feature”. He’s always been the charmer of the family. I have the brains. First off, he has perfect legs for running, which he does a lot of. He’s captain of both the cross country and soccer team. He has a broad chest, complete with a perfect six-pack of abs. His face is what most people would call “ruggedly handsome”, complete with a set of dimples and reddish blond hair. His eyes are probably his best feature. He has striking green eyes, while I have regular blue ones.

“Where’s mom?” I asked him. He shrugged. “No idea. I was the first one up.” As if on cue, my mother let out a blood-curling scream. She came bolting down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. “Mom?” I yelled. “Mom!” She was bent over the sink, hyperventilating. I rubbed her back. “Calm down mom. What’s wrong?” I asked in a tone I would talk to a four-year-old with. My mom shook her head, as if trying to say something. “Calm down. Here, take a drink of water, and we’ll get you something to eat. Bacon sounds good, doesn’t it? I think Jay was making some.” My mom looked up at me, terror in her eyes. Oh, yeah, mom was a vegetarian. She took a drink of water and calmed herself down.

“Kids,” She said, when she managed enough strength to speak again. “Your father has been kidnapped. She couldn’t meet our eyes, but when she finally did, she stopped. She studied my face with a mix of fear and concern. “Olivia, honey, will you come here for a second, please?” She asked me. She never used my full first name. Reluctantly, I moved towards her. She took my hand and studied it, and then instructed me to open my mouth. I did as I was told. “What’s with the home dentist appointment?” I gagged through an open mouth.

Mom’s gaze became teary. “It was you.” She choked back a sob. “Why did you do it?” She cried, leaning into Jay.

“What did I do?” I asked, becoming concerned. She met my eyes again, her gaze lacking any sympathy. “Last night, your father was taken. Taken by werewolves and most likely being torn apart in the woods. I assumed it was my brother, but… it was you. How could you? Where did you put him?” She asked, her voice becoming angry.

“I didn’t… I don’t… I’m not…” I tried to explain. I looked at Jay with sad eyes. “Liv, you’re a werewolf.” He sighed.

“But they don’t… they don’t exist!” I said in disbelief. Jay nodded at me grimly. “Do you remember Uncle Jacob?” He asked me. I nodded. “He’s one, too. He’s one of the Alphas of one of Aunt Megan’s rival pack. One of their wolves must have bit you, and you kidnapped dad.”

“No I didn’t! I would never!” I protested, hot tears threatening to fall.

“Liv, I really, really hate to do this to you, but I think it’s best if you leave. I’m going to call Aunt Megan, and wait with mom until she gets here. I’ll join you afterwards. It’s for the best.” He smiled sadly.

“You’re kicking me out?” I cried, making mom stir. She had fallen asleep somewhere in the midst of our conversation. To answer my question, he showed me to the door, gave me a kiss on the cheek and shut the door behind me.

I was on my own. He really kicked me out. He thought I’d kidnapped dad.


I wandered down the street towards a small store. Just as I was about to enter, a cherry red convertible caught my eye. Two attractive boys stepped out, one more particularly attractive than the other.

He was perfect. He had black hair that was kind of long, about Alex Pettyfer length. He had soft brown eyes that looked determined. He had the body of Zac Efron, and the legs of Harry Styles. He was amazing. I sighed a kind of cheesy, dreamy sigh. I almost completely forgot about my current situation.

Then we locked eyes. I felt my knees buckle. He said something to the guy he was with and they both headed my way. I gulped and bit my lip. He smirked a boyishly handsome smirk and one faint dimple appeared in his cheek. “Hey,” He grinned. “I’m Cole. Cole Marcus.” He said. My jaw dropped. “Cole?” I squeaked. “It’s Olivia Donner.” His jaw dropped as well. “Well, well, well.” He growled, quickly regaining his confident air. “Look at you.”” He raised his eyebrows. “You’re hot.” I scoffed in disgust and turned away from him. He quickly grabbed my arm, and electric shocks went through my body. I whipped around to look at him, and he looked stunned.

“What do you want?” I hissed. Now, you might be wondering why I was being so rude to this boy. It was because Cole Marcus was the biggest bully I had ever encountered in my life. In second grade, he ruined my new Sketchers. In third grade, he completely ignored me. In fourth grade, he put a frog down my shirt. In fifth grade, he made fun of me for being flat chested (which I was, but I’m not anymore, I can assure you). In sixth grade, he called me fat and ugly. That night, I went home and cried for hours. I cried because I was completely in love with him, and all he did was tell me how terrible I was. Seventh grade was the final straw. He’d told me that when I was older, I’d have to pay someone to marry me, and that no one, not even a blind person, could fall for me. He said I’d grow up to be an addict and he would just laugh at me. After that, I never, ever liked him again. Well, that’s what I told myself. But the truth is that, no matter what I said, I was completely and utterly smitten (yeah, smitten. You heard me right) with Cole Marcus.

While I was in deep thought, something hit me on the head, and, for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, the world went black.

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