Chapter Two: New Surroundings

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I woke up to a familiar smell. It wasn't bacon this time, unfortunately, but it was good. I liked it. And then I realized I had no idea where I was. I looked around in panic, only to find almost the same recreation of my room. Just less home-y. I turned to where my window usually was and, sure enough, there was my window. I squinted at the sunlight beaming through.

I finally mustered up the courage to get out of bed. I took a quick glance in the mirror, brushed my teeth, and threw my hair in a bun. I was wearing the same tank top and jeans from yesterday, so I threw on some boxer shorts that I found in the dresser and a slightly small shirt. I sighed a small, happy sigh and headed downstairs, forgetting that I wasn't home. 

"Mom?" I yelled down the stairs, turning an unfamiliar corner. Maybe the room I was in looked like my room, but nothing else resembled anything in my house. It looked like something out of a home design catalog. I turned to face two extremely attractive boys. 

"Woah... there are people here."  I giggled nervously. The first one was taller than the second, with perfectly shaped legs and a very, very well muscled chest. He walked around the house without a shirt on, apparently, so I got a very, very nice view. He had spiky black hair and this innocent, flirty look that could charm any girl. The next was a handsome brown haired boy, with pretty hazel-green eyes. He was modest and wore a shirt, but it still hugged his chest tightly, so I got a good view of his six pack.

Black hair grinned at me, and brown hair waved. I smiled back, completely in a daze. "Zack, Jack, I'm going to need you to check out the borders again. We're picking up the other pack's scent." A new boy walked into the room. He was just as jaw-droppingly hot as the others. He looked half African American, with short, curly brown hair, and perfect brown eyes to match. His lips were in the perfect pout, and he was so boyishly handsome, it was hard to look away.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty awakes." He said, winking at me. "I'm Logan. Logan Carter." He grinned an adorable grin. A low growl came from behind him. All heads turned, and then dipped respectively. "I hope you're not moving in on Olivia." A familiar dark haired boy snarled. Why were all these boys shirts off? Did they want me to faint here? He had perfect abs, and the most amazing biceps. Only one word echoed in my head. "Mate, mate, mate." "Shut up!" I told the voice in my head. Everyone turned to look at me. I blushed, and the boy made his way to me. 

Then it all hit me. Cole, my dad, what I was, how my brother kicked me out, and how I didn't want to be here. This sudden information winded me, and I collapsed to the floor. "Oh my God, is she okay?" Jack whispered. "I don't know." Logan replied. Someone sat down next to me, and a pair of strong arms pulled my against a warm chest. I shivered as he stroked my hair, and I looked up into the eyes of none other than Cole Marcus. I frowned and broke free of his grip. 

"Oh come on, Olivia!" He yelled. "It's not fair! You're not even giving me a chance!" I shook my head. "You caused me so much freaking pain, Cole. I'm not just going to run to you with open arms." I said, even though I probably would have. That voice in my head sure wanted me to. "Dude, just give her time. Let us get her used to the place." Zack said, offering me a weak smile. "I know she's your mate and all, but I don't really think that you want her rejecting you. That would not look good for the Alpha." My face must have showed my confusion, because Jack and Logan took me by the wrists and led me to a different room.

"You're obviously transformed, so I think you'll need some education." Logan said, smirking. "First off, the Alpha, which is Cole, is like the leader of the pack. Well, he's exactly that. The Beta, that's me, is second in command. A mate isn't really a choice. You just know. So when you saw Cole, you probably heard the word 'Mate' in your head. I haven't experienced it yet, of course, but it's what all young werewolves must learn." He shrugged. 

"Oh, and your eyes are now yellow." Jack said, offering a sympathetic glance. He had to be joking. I looked frantically around for a mirror, and when I spotted one, I was almost afraid to look. A completely different person was looking back at me. My beautiful baby blue eyes that were usually swimming with emotion were now replaced with cold yellow ones. I choked back tears as I brushed a piece of stray hair out of my face.

I sniffed as I turned back to them. Logan looked amused, and Jack wrapped his arms around me. Then, I let out all of my feelings. "I just want to go home." I sobbed into Jack's chest as we sat on the floor. "I don't want to have a mate! I just wan't things to be normal! I want to see my daddy again, apologize to my mom, and see my brother! I don't want to be here with my childhood bully!" I cried, close to hyperventilation. Jack rubbed my back in slow circles. Just then, the door burst open.

Jack and I must have looked pretty suspicious, because Cole looked dang outraged. His eyes were burning with rage, and he marched forward towards Logan. They exchanged a few harsh whispers and Logan left obendiently. Jack didn't move, thankfully, because I don't think I could deal with the humiliation of being tossed on the floor. "Get up." Cole growled, glaring. He really noticed me for the first time. He saw my puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks and sighed, giving Jack a pleading look. Jack nodded, slid away from me, and slipped out the door. Cole sat next to me and slipped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. For the first time, I gave in, snuggling into his chest and shaking and letting the tears fall.

"Oliva?" Cole whispered. "Yeah?" I whispered back.

"I'm so sorry for all of those years. I know I caused you a lot of pain, and I didn't mean to. It was my way of expressing I liked you, and I was being really stupid. I don't even know what I was thinking, really. But, I really want you to know is that I knew all of these years. I knew you were the one for me. I knew you were supposed to be mine from the very beginning. From kindergarten, Olivia. All I thought when I looked at you was 'She has to be mine', and I wasn't ready for those feelings yet. I was scared. And so I masked those feelings with being rude and cruel and I regret that. And I'm so, so sorry." He sniffed.

I debated my options for a second. Give in to him and become his mate or ignore his confession and leave. I went with my third option. "Cole, I'm so, so, so happy to hear that. I've wanted to her that since the second grade. But after what you did to me, all of the pain you caused me, I really can't just be your mate. I need you to prove to me that you can be my mate."

"How?" He asked, clearly surprised by my reaction. "Be there for me. Show me that you care for me and that you want me to be your mate. It's all I'm asking of you." I got up and wiped away my tears, walking out of the room.


Weeks passed and Cole was on his best behavior, other than a couple slip ups. One particularly sunny day, he walked into my room. I shrieked, holding a towel around my naked body. "Don't you knock?" I yelled, shifting uncomfortably. "Sorry," He smirked, not sounding the least bit sorry.

"Get dressed, we're going on a picnic!" He said happily. "Or... you could just stay like that and I'd happily join you." He winked at me, earning a pillow to the head. He laughed, pushing his hair back. "Okay, okay, be ready in five." He said, laughing again.

I was unable to contain my smile as he left. Who knew that I'd be going on a date with Cole Marcus?

He poked his head in again. "Nice bra, by the way." He chucked, shutting the door behind him. I blushed, looking at the black bra in my free hand. I locked the door and quickly changed into my black track shorts and a light gray T-shirt. What can I say? I was never really one to "dress to impress". I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and jogged down the stairs. I was glad to see Cole was dressed down, as well. He beamed when he saw me. "Shall me?" He asked, holding out an arm. I chuckled and accepted it.

It seemed as if everything were happening so fast, but there was such an undeniable connection between Cole and I... it was something real. Something that I'd never fully felt before. Until now. And it felt good.



Hola! I hope the last paragraph explained why they're moving so fast.

They are going to be an on-again, off-again relationship, and it's important to the plot. ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2013 ⏰

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