The strange visit

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"Aminah" called my mother." "Aminah hurry up and come downstairs someones here to see you"
"Yes mother" I replied.I Rushed down the stairs eager to find out who had come to see me. I stopped for a moment just outside the door, how did I look? I straightened up fixed my hijab put on some decent shoes and then went in.
"Assalamu allaikum " I said
The lady replied " Wa allaikum assalam aminah "
I thought to myself for a moment did I know this lady? Who is she ?and why has she come to see me?
"Aminah come and take some snacks for this lovely lady" my mother called from the kitchen.
I slowly walked to the kitchen and then whispered to my mother
" who is she?and why has she come to see me? "
"Aminah the lovely lady's waiting "  she hissed " go on give her some snacks she's probably very hungry by now"
" but mother" I said, still not satisfied with her answer
" look darling I'll tell you everything after the lady's gone, is that OK with you?"
When mother said " is that ok with you" it meant you had gone too far and needed to stop
I came into the room with a tray of biscuits,a cup of tea and a few tiny sandwiches
"Hello again dear" she said " is everything ok you look upset"
I was upset because sometimes people don't answer your questions. I couldn't say that or else it would look bad on mother.
"Yes I'm ok thank you"I lied
" what's all this!" She exclaimed "oh you shouldn't gone through all that trouble just too feed me"
Somehow the lady knew I had started secondary school and asked me how I was  doing.I just replied with " it's ok"
All of a sudden an alarm went off alarm I jumped up .
The lady apologised for scaring  me and then got up .
"Where are you going?" asked my mother
" oh I think it's  time for me to go now"she said "it was lovely seeing you today Aminah" she rushed towards the door and as she stepped out she looked at me for a moment and then waved.
" Mother can you tell me who she is now" I asked " please tell me mother"
" Aminah she's just a friend of mine who wanted to get to know you " she exclaimed" go and eat your food and then get in bed"
" yes mother " I said as I walked towards the kitchen . I ate very little food and then ran upstairs to think about the strange day I had.

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