Chapter 29

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Belinda did a slo-mo three-sixty in front of the mound of kittens in the middle of her bed Monday night. She was getting ready for her date with Bennett. At La Lune. Butterflies swarmed her stomach again as they had periodically throughout the day.

Poseidon, the name Kyle bestowed upon the boy-kitten, stood ready for action apart from his sisters, mewing at her with his wide eyes. "I can't pick you up, you know. I just got dressed." She scratched under his chin, grinning as he shut his eyes to drink it up. "Kyle?"

"Yes?" he called from his nest downstairs.

"You need to come up here and collect the kittens so they don't go flying from the loft." There was just an open railing and Belinda worried one of them would take a dive.

"Uh...okay. Aren't you already sort of up there?"

"I just got dressed for my date. I don't want cat hair all over me."

She heard Kyle grumble and soon he was bounding up the stairs two at a time. "Come on, guys. You can hang out with me tonight." He managed to bundle all four in his arms, and appraised his sister. "Not bad, sis."

She spun around again. "Is it La Lune worthy?"

"What you really want to know is, is it Bennett Tate worthy?" Kyle grinned. "I'd say yes."

"You don't think it's too much?"

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Like I'd know. You look good."

She'd decided to go with her Sexy Outfit from the fateful inn scenario with a change of accessories to freshen it up.

"Why do you always treat me like I'm another girl?" Kyle strolled back downstairs and deposited his brood on the couch.

"What else am I supposed to do?" she said from her loft. "I don't have a sister."

"I thought that's why you have Victoria."

"Victoria can't be here all the time." Belinda bounced downstairs with shoes and clutch in hand. She might actually be completely ready to go when Bennett got there. It had to be some sort of record.

"I guess no one can." Kyle twisted his mouth to the side, thoughtfully patting Poseidon. Belinda had trouble picturing that name for that sweet face, but it had grown on her.

"What are you talking about?" Belinda dropped her shoes and clutch near the door and came to sit by him on the couch. The blue tarp over the bashed-in window billowed and snapped like a sail. Kyle's face had gone serious, and that only happened under special circumstances.

He looked at her through strands of golden brown hair. "Mom and Dad will come back eventually," he said, his eyes trained on the kitten. "I've just been thinking about what I want to do. You know I've seen Mark's dad lately, and he suggested I go with his crew to Australia this coming winter."

Mark Nichols' father owned a sailing yacht, among other boats, and growing up around him had had a huge impact on Kyle's love of sailing.

That explained Kyle's disappearances to the Portside Harbor Marina lately. He must've been chatting with Mr. Nichols. "Are you thinking about it?"

Kyle nodded, his eyes bright.

Belinda smiled, brushing the hair off his forehead as tears pricked her eyes at the thought of him leaving. She'd gotten used to living with him again. It was easy, comfortable. But she also wanted him to finally live out his dream.

"Are you about to cry?" he said. "Cuz Bennett just pulled in and you're wearing mascara."

Belinda laughed. "Cry? Over not having to step over your dirty clothes or clean up dust and dirt all the time?" She shook her head, forcing the tears to stay put. "No way."

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