Chapter 6

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Denver's P.O.V

I cant belive im going to meet Niall again. This is great. my life is the best. I have an amazing friend,A beautiful Sister,And a handsome Brother. If they werent here with me, i would have already gave'n up. they kept me fighting for our freedom.

I managed to get out of bed and eat. me and Alex then went shopping for tonight.

"These are so cute!" i screamed. it was perfectly ripped jeans 'Skinny jeans' I bought them and we headed off.




We got back to the house to get ready. Alex is changeing into a dress she bought. unlike me, who wouldnt be seen in a dress ever, is wearing my skinny jeans with a cute Blue tank top with a bikers jacket. with black vans. i put my hair up in a messy bun. i didnt put any make-up on because one, i dont care. and two I was lazy.

I nodded happy with my look and went down stairs to say goodnight to the kids. we are staying in a hotel next door buy the Arena so we dont get hurt in traffic, so i wouldnt be able to see them till tomorrow morning.

"I love you Devin. keep an eye on Daisy. she might have another nightmare. im letting you stay up late tonight. and Daisy, please be good. i will be at a concert having fun. not being beatin buy daddy. i promise. he wont touch any of us fof the rest of our lives. i promise.."

I walked out and started the car. I texted Alex to hurry up. Finally after 5 minutes of waiting,she came out.

"Lets go"

We made it to our seats now waiting for the concert to start. Alot of girls are here screaming and crying as he started. I the corner of my eye somebody running to the seat next to me.

"What did i miss?"


"Yes love?"

"Oh! i didnt know you had a seat, i though you would be back stage"

"Nope. its no fun back there"

I nodded and continued to 'Listen' I started going on facebook,I was bored.

"How can you be so bored already?" asked Niall

"Like i said on the plane, i dont like Justins music."

"Oh, well what are you doing after this?"

"Going to our hotel next door."

"The king ocare hotel?"

"Yup. its all we could pay for"

"Thats were me and the boys are staying! what floor?"

"5, Room D56 "

"Im room D45 We should all hang, Zayn keeps talking about Alex"

"Okay, i bet i dont even have to ask. Wanna walk back together then?"

"Im meeting with justin after. . "

"We are to. her parents got us V.I.P tickets."


I looked away seeing if Alex was still there.

She was crying. i had to take pictures. i got some good ones, me and Niall are laughing our ass's off. I really like him. i need to make a move.

Niall's P.O.V

I need to get going! Maybe i will ask when she hangs out with me at my flat.





The concert was over and we met with Justin. Denver didnt like him that much, But Alex LOVED him. but she didnt flirt. and Den told me.she was the firt in the friendship. Anyways, My room was open when we walked down the hall.

"What the hell?"

I opend the door to see Zayn about to walk out the room with my food.

Niall Horans food.

"Dude, not cool" Laughed Denver. Me, i was pissed.

"Zayn. what are you doing with my food!" I ran after him making him scream like a girl.

I pushed him to the ground and i got my food and ate it peacefuly.

He fake cryed and then he saw Alex.

"Well, im sorry i took your food. Hey Alex, wanna come to my flat? "

"Sure" she said smiling/blushing.

Now its just me and Denver.


Hey guys. sorry for the boring chapter. school kicking my ass. i have been out 'sick' for 3 days. i have alot of work to do. but i did spend some of my time updating! lots of love


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