Chapter 8

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Denver's P.O.V

There is nobody here!!

wait. im so stupid i could just call Devin.

"Devin,were are you?"

"At the damn hostpital, god you never listen"

"Well, sorry i was to busy freaking out. "

"Just come down here, Daisy's still screming for you"

And with that, he hung up. All i do is try to help my Brother and Sister. Devin keeps getting mad, but then Daisy wont stop worrying about me. so i head down to the hostpital to calm down Daisy.




I finally walk through the doors to find my brother crying and two parents with bloodshot eyes.

"Im so sorry for keeping you guys waiting, i though you guys were at home."

"Its okay.Den, what are families for?"

I started to cry, i ran up to them and hugged them.

"Thank you so much, i dont know what i would do without you guys. i love you!"

"We love you to" theu said with a smile.



"Come here, i know you missed me"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" he chuckled. we always told eachother that. it was one of the rare funny moments we had.

He ran up and hugged me.

"Were's Daisy?"

"Down the hall, she was getting to out of hand, so they had to put her down to sleep, she should be up soon."

"Okay, thanks"


"Davin." i mocked his actions with a smile. god i loved this kid. he's been so strong. He acts like he's 16.

"Im sorry."

"For. . ."

"Swearing on the phone.. i kinda lost it. i cant stand to lose yet another mommy figure. I though you were out with a guy, or worse. with dad. i knew you were safe, but my gut told me other wise."

"Devin, im just fine. dad's all the way back in london. he cant just drive to America. that will take forever. and i promise you, im not a very good mommy figure at all" i smerked at the end. it was true. i always went out, and didnt come back for days. i was trying to get money so we could get out of the hell hole, but i never could get a job that paid good.

"Your the best we got though, but then there is Alex's Parents, but there not blood related."

"Devin, your amazing, you know that?"

"Yeah, ive known for a while now" he said with a cheeky grin on his face.

I heard my name being screamed by bloody murdur


Its was Daisy.

"Daisy, Daisy. im here. daddy doesnt have me. im with you. daddys gone now"

After the words

'Daddys gone now'

came out of my mouth, its sent shivers down my back.

"Do you promise?"

"Yes baby girl. i promise."

No i dont.

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