Chapter 22: The House on a Hill

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Sarah Galloway was waiting for Paix at his hometel with Garrie.

"Where is he Garrie? I'd been here for almost 2 hours now. My plane will be leaving in 2 hours!" she annoyingly complained to his road manager. Garrie was smart enough not to tell her the truth.

Garrie lengthily replied: "They needed to reshoot some scenes for the tourism video. It rained hard here yesterday and the artistic director thought it was not appropriate for the theme so reshooting became the only option."

Sarah's face has this smirk that tells the road manager she's really pissed off.

It was just an hour before Sarah leaves for the airport when Paix came whistling down the hallway. Paix was surprised to see her.

"Hey Sarah!"

"Where have you been? I travelled all the way from Manila and I didn't even have a chance to have dinner with you?"

Garrie saw Paix's jaw tightened. Oh. Oh...

Garrie felt the need to interfere. "Paix how did the reshoot go?" while eyeing Paix which he understood and replied: "It actually went well Garrie.''

"So why don't we all have dinner before Sarah flies back to Manila since I assumed everyone's hungry?'' That suggestion clamed everyone's nerves after that.

Sarah Galloway left Batanes that night much to the content of Garrie, especially Paix.

There was no scheduled shooting the next morning so Paix and the Bretts went back to the beach. Then Maddie's attention was caught by this house that stood on a hill.

"CJ look at that house up there?'' said Maddie. Everyone followed Maddie's fingers.

They admired the view from below of the house for sale. "It's so pretty right Paix?"

"Yes, Maddie. I 'd like to live in that house and then just run to the beach if I want to go swimming." CJ said excitedly. Paix secretly noted down the cellphone of the real estate agent.

Chapter 23: Flashback

Paix was reading his email when he remembered what happened at CJ's hometel.

"It's happening all over again, Gary thought. Their friendship got to stop before...

"Garrie? Are you okay?"

"Yes. .. and by the way, we have to leave earlier than scheduled."

"How about CJ?"

"They'll board in the afternoon."

Paix was disappointed but he didn't voice out any complain.

Garrie made the flight arrangements right away and left Batanes early morning.

CJ was surprised when told by Raffie that CJ and Garrie have left for Manila.

"So she just came to pick him up. That was convenient!"

CJ cannot understand why she was so annoyed with the thought that Paix and Sarah flew back to Manila together.

When they got home to their condo from Batanes that night, there was a flower delivery at the concierge. It was from Paix.

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