Dom & Tris

29 4 4

It wasn't always like this....

We used to be so close...

We used to always smile at each other.

He used to always hold my hand and tell me he loved me.

But now he can't even look at me, it's as if I'm not there....

Whats wrong with him?! why is he doing this!?

Doesn't he know I'm hurting?

I wish, it wasn't like this, i want things to go back the way they were.....

That's it, i'll try and talk to him today, No, I Will, talk to him today! i'll call him, to meet me up some where, the local park? yeah that should do. I jumped off my bed to retrieve my phone that was on my desk, I picked it up swiftly and dialled his number, but, why am I hesitating? he's my boyfriend isn't he? i should have more confidence, but I'm so scared what if he doesn't answer? no, he will.

I pressed the call button and raised the phone to my ear, listening to the ringing connection, waiting for him to pick up, i hope he does, but something tells me he won't...


Dom... he actually picked up...


I'm to in shock to talk, i have to say something before it's to late-

Dom:well if you won't answer i'll be going-

Tris:w-Wait! uh

Dom: huh? Tris? what is it?


Tris: um, I*sigh* can you meet me up at JuJu park?


Tris:y-yeah.. is that okay?

Dom: *sigh* yeah sure, meet you there in 5

Tris:y-yup o-

Dom:*hangs up*


he....he hung up on me?!

thats not cool.... Q~Q well i have two minutes to get dressed, wait, i'll just go like this phone? out side. I made my way out my room to the front door i told my mother i was leaving and then i left.

okay, here i go.. just want exactly am i going to tell him? that I'm sad? or that i miss him? i don't know i'll come up with something as a go along. I finally arrived at JuJu park and started to look around to see if Dom is here yet,it doesn't look like it-

"Tris?" I heard a voice behind me, Dom? i spun around to see my boyfriend.

"D-dom hi" I chirped with a smile and walked up towards him. He returned my hello with a nod

"so...what is it?" Dom questioned kind of low and depressing, this hurts me seeing him like this and yet again he's not even staring at me. It hurts so much

"well, um, i was hoping we could talk" ah... crap, i sound scared, this isn't going to go so well, i can just tell.

"about?" for some reason, hearing him say, that made my heart stop, what should i even say?

"it'" i look down at my grey converses sheepishly, i can feel the tension in the air rising, could it be, that he is nervous now to? "okay..." he spoke softly and stare off into the distance, we stood there for moment in silence. I have no idea what i should say, i brought him all this way, to tell, him, that i...want him to love me the way he once did, but my voice it won't speak! i feel something wet roll down my cheek, am I crying? why..

"Why?" i finally spoke


"w-why!? why, won't you look at me? Why do i have to hurt? what did i do!?" my voice is cracking because i'm trying not to cry but it isn't working, and finally now, he and I make eye contact, he looks shocked and nervous. Good.

"Why are you being so distant towards me? why is it that you never hold me any more? DOM? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" the tears are unstoppable to control.

"what did i do?-"

"you don't need me any more that's why.." what? did he just say?

"what do you mean? I do need you!"

"No you don't! i know you don't! like i know i don't need you!" why... is this happening?

"w-what are you saying..Dom?" my cries become softer,and my body is frozen, why is this happening?

"I'm saying i don't love you" that..that..word...wh- he's... lying...he has to be...

"ha.. y-your tell me...y-your lying....D-" i'm so in shock to even cry any more, i feel like my heart just broke into i million pieces......

"I'm not lying, it's the truth," his words hit me like a thousand blades, my knees are becoming weak, that i'll fall to the ground soon..

"in fact.... I never-" i can't let him go on!

"NO! don't say it!" please don't say it... please..

"i never loved you" no... i fell to the ground sitting on my knees crying and covering my eyes, my cries getting louder "please.... don't.." i managed to weep out..

"let's break up Trissa..." and with that he left me to cry... by my self....



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