Chapter Three

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I felt weird when I stepped in the school gates. Weird...

Anyways, heading to my homeroom, I saw a girl wandering the hallways. She had very interesting features. When she looked up, that same voice rang in my head.

"You must be new... little mate," I said seeing as she was shorter than and reach up to the middle of my chest. Her bluish green eyes widened.

"J-joshua Hong? Is your name Joshua Hong?" Her bell like voice chimed. I smiled and nodded. She gasps a little before stepping towards me.

"You look beautiful... like how my father describe, minus the shorter than me part....But what's your name?" I chuckled as she pouts and slapped my shoulder alloaing me to see her beautiful wings.

It had dark grey feathers with white tips. I gasped as I saw her wings spreading out.

"Its Mia, Mia Amore and it seems like you saw my wings..." she mumbles cutely. I smiled and nodded.

"Lets head to class hm? I can't wait till break to talk to you!" I said taking her small hand in mine and gasped softly at the sparks that erupted all over my hand spreading all over my body.

She nods and walks with me to the homeroom.



Like a sculpture made by the gods. He is sorta tall but hot damn he has this korean look to him.

"Oh Joshua! It seems like you found the new student!" I heard the teacher exclaimed as the students started to mumble.

"Yup. Her name is Mia, Mia Amore, ma'am" he said politely.

"Ah Mia! Would you like to sit with Joshua? Since the sit next to him is empty." She asks looking at me gently. Okay???

"S-sure!" I said as Joshua smiles and brings me to his desk before plopping down.

He chuckles at my bewildered expression but nudges at me to stay focus.

After school

"Hey Mia!" I heard Joshua's smooth voice chime. I turned around to see him walking to me with a genuine smile on his face. I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"Want to go meet my parents?" he asked. WHAT?!

"Isn't that way too fast Joshua?" I asked looking at him in shock.

"Well, my dad has been wanting to see you ever since he spoke about your... well... kind. And he knew that I have a Fallen as my soulmate..." he says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait... your dad?" No... his dad couldn't be the current Seer...

"Yup! So wanna go?" He asks. I nod my head rapidly.

He smiles and takes my hand in his, shivering slightly at the sparks erupting. I smiled as we head to his house.

Upon reaching his porch step, I felt a strong presence in it. He looks at me and says, "You okay? You were tense the moment we step on the porch."

"I-I'm alright. Don't worry." I assured him. He nods slowly and proceeded to open the door.

Here goes nothing.

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