"...I'm sorry."

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"Who wants to play truth or dare?"

"Ehh? Truth or dare?" Yoongi questioned the suggester, Jimin.

"Why not? It'd be nice to sit around and be silly after a long time." Jimin shrugged. "I mean with the tension and awkwardness in the atmosphere, we need an ice breaker."

"He's got a point." (F/N) said while nodding her head.

"Alright then." You agreed. "Just no...smoochy smoochy or whatever.."

"Why?" Seokjin said smirking.

You began to blush pink. "Y-you know why, pabo. I'm not into that kinky crap boys are in."

"Hey we're not like that." Namjoon objected.

"Yeah sure.." (F/N) said with sarcasm.

"So.. Are we playing or not..?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah we will." You said smiling at him. "So who'll go first?"
"Yoongi-hyung, truth or dare?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi thought cautiously, before answering. "....Tru- No, dare."

Hoseok gave him a sly grin. "Can you try singing Jiminie's adlib in 'Let Me Know' at the end, oh almighty genius."

"What the hell?" Yoongi exclaimed.

"You have to do it hyung." Jungkook said.

Yoongi mumbled, then took a deep breath. "Girl let me KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW~"

His pitch and singing bursted everyone's eardrums, and you felt like your ears were bleeding. But you couldn't help but laugh.

"Aish.." Yoongi said after ending the high note that was only meant for Jimin.

"Aigoo my ears.." (F/N) said, being overly dramatic, covering her ears.

"Hehe sorry."

Everyone laughed, then moved on.

Soon enough it was your turn.

"Ahhh.." You actually didn't feel comfortable making BTS do your dares or answer to your demand so you went with (F/N) sitting next to you. "(F/N) eonnie, truth or dare."

"Dare as always!" She sang, usually the daredevil.

Remembering her crush with Jimin, you thought up an evil plan. "I dare you to..." You paused then looked at Jimin and smirked. "...tie yourself with Jimin for the rest of the game."

"Ahhh.. REALLY?!" (F/N) yelled while her face flush with red.

Jimin gave a small and innocent smile.

"Here. I found a scarf." You said, handing them your mint green and purple cotton scarf.

(F/N) stood up and walked over to where Jimin was, and told him to stand up while avoiding his gaze. Soon they were tied together by the waist, Jimin looking a bit embarrassed, and (F/N) completely overtaken by her emotions.

You smiled, satisfied.

You hear a bit of laughing from the other members. "Your turn now, (F/N)." Seokjin said.

"Perfect." (F/N) looked up with an evil grin. She began to nod her head in rhythm toward the BTS members in the circle. She slowed down as her head stopped at Jungkook. "Truth or dare."

You felt brave and tingly all of a sudden and blurted out, "Dare!"

"Alright, I dare you to do '7 Minutes in Heaven' with Jungkookie." (F/N) dared, leaning back and suddenly relaxed.

"Wha-?" Jungkook said trying to protest before you interrupted him.

"Alright." You agreed.

Everyone around you looked at you, baffled, even (F/N). Then they looked at Jungkook with anger.

To be honest, you didn't really care. You just hoped that all you and Jungkook will do is just sit in silence or just talk.

"Come on Jungkookie. Into the guest room."

Jungkook slowly nodded and followed you into the room while receiving cold glares from his hyungs.

You shut the door close and motioned Jungkook to the bed. He sat at the edge of the bed still, very stiff. You walked over and sat next to him relaxed.

You sighed. "Ahh. Finally some quiet. Right Jungkook?" You looked at him and he gave a faint smile and nodded in agreement.

"The hyungs could be tiresome with their nagging." Jungkook responded.

"Same with (F/N) eonnie, but she's very childish." You said giggling remembering moments of her derps and squeals.

"...I'm sorry." Jungkook whispered.

You looked at him confused and tilted your head to the side. "What? Why?"

"The rivalry between the hyungs. They're out of control lately."

You felt hot all of a sudden. "Yeah.. That. But hey at least you're not pulling anything on me."

"What do you mean..?"

"A-ahh.. It's nothing." You said regretting your words.

"Tell me (Y/N)!" He pleaded. He looked at you with eyes, endless and filled with curiosity and worry.

"Why should I?"

"I need to know what my hyungs did to you." He explained.

"They.." You paused. Then regained your breath. "They just tried to get me to choose them.. That's all."

He looked away and clenched his fist. "This has gone to far.. But I'm sorry."

"W-what for?" You said, scared by the sudden change in the atmosphere.

"That I'll be like them."

He held down your wrists, scoot in closer, and landed his lips against yours. Your eyes wide, fingers twitching, legs crossed.

He let go of you, then stared at your shocked expression. "You're really beautiful, (Y/N). Please never leave us." That struck you in the heart, his words and stare. He hugged you tight, thinking that if he did, you wouldn't leave.

Then you heard urgent knocking. "(Y/N)!!!! JUNGKOOK!! Please come out!! Now!!" It was (F/N), and she sounded scared.

'What's going on?' You thought.

You sped walked to the door and opened it to see (F/N) with tears and Jimin with frantic eyes. "What the hell hap-"

"You bastard!" You heard Yoongi yell.

You ran out into the living room from the corridor and saw the living room in a mess, Seokjin trying to hold back Yoongi with bruises and a cut on his lip, Hoseok holding back Namjoon with pink cuts, and Taehyung in between them.

Jungkook ran out and stood behind you, his eyes widened and shame and disappointment covered his face.

'They can't be fighting over me.. They can't.'

(A/N): Happy Friday!!! Err.. HOPEFUL FRIDAY!! Hope you guys had a good week and that my update made it better XD Just kidding. The ending was pretty intense huh?

Any personal scenarios that'll fit the story? Just put the BTS member and give a brief explanation of the scenario.

Until next week! Jill, out!

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