Commentary - Six Words, in the face of circumstance

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Head Down

Gun Up

Feet Forward

These are six words that have been a huge impact and defined who I am and how I was. Whether it has been experiences from shooting, teaching, to simply living and how I approach things that have come along in my life.

Head down.

There will be moments in your life that will hit you to the wall, whether it'd be engaging on that next business conference, that big speech, or in the face of overwhelming odds. The odds that are designed or set to crush you, try to set you up for failure, or plan to stop you from becoming successful. All these moments in your life, will inevitable strike you in some way. In spite of all that. Bring your head down, and charge headfirst into the void. 

What is the "void" I'm talking about? It's the unknown, the unsure, that "black veil" that covers over what we don't know, or surrounds us, only going to be pulled back by time. Only through time is it going to go, get pulled off, and we'll learn from it. Sooner or later we will fall, sooner or later we have to take that jump. Whether us crawling as children. From walking to running, we will fall. Head down, and with courage, you can pursue yourself, and get yourself forward. 

No fear. 

Gun Up

Fight and never surrender. Get your weapon system up, and fight back. What do I mean besides the obvious? Fight against the odds. Fight against all who knock you down, or oppose you, or tell you that you aren't going to make the cut. Fight for what you believe in deep down. Your moral compass. Do the right thing. Be prepared to take hits, but never shirk away in fear. 

Most people who will knock you down, or deliver some sort of big blow, or argument, or some sort of all out ringer they'll deliver to you, expect you to cower.

Most people expect you to cower down, and take it. 

Fight back. 

If they want to take you down, you be sure that you're taking them with you. Don't be remembered as a coward, be remembered as someone who went down fighting.

Even if you go down, at least you went down with dignity, with courage, and you left your mark, not washed away like nothing. You stood for something. 

So fight on with what you believe in, and always raise your gun up in defiance against the odds. 

Feet Forward

Always advance and move forward. Life has only one direction, and it's forward and unto whatever the next horizon or trail leads us. It is our choice whether we get sucked into, or knocked down, beaten, or swallowed by life,


we take life by the horns, and move forward. In spite of everything dragging you down, you have to move forward, and press on. 

Failures, may cling to you. 

Suffering, may cling to you.

But we're still alive, aren't we? We're still on this Earth, living, breathing, fighting. We're on this Earth growing and developing ourselves throughout everything, and never faltered. 

If you can stand, you can fight, and continue on with life. Move forward, always move forward towards that other day. 

All those who hold you back, want you to bend down and stop. They want you to just quit. Stand up to them. 

Advance against them, and plant your feet to the ground, and press back. 

Six simple words. 

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