The Disclosed Secret

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The video footages turned to serve double perpous. Like lighting a candle from both ends. Firstly, the criminal on the washroom case got caught. Secondly, the McKenzie wounds mystery got solved.

The first footage was of the day when Silvia was locked in the bathroom. That video showed that, Silvia was washing her hands when McKenzie and Jason came from the behind and covered Silvia's eyes with his hand whilst McKenzie pushed her into the washroom and they both locked it from outside. In the next clip, they were laughing and giving five to each other and walking away.

They were shocked. Michael has been working as the commentator for Henrietta to help her know what was going on the video. He was now being silent seeing the clips.

"See? I knew it! McKenzie was supposed to be the offender. As always.", Silvia was bursting in excitement.

"Oh my goodness! Seriously? McKenzie has stooped this low? Gosh I can't believe!", Michael was surprised realizing how fool he was giving a thought on the prom thing with her.

"I knew it from the very first day.", Henrietta whispered.

"Really? But how?", Michael asked.

"The way she behaved with me on my second day of this highschool was very rude for me to bear. Then, Silvia protested behalf of me against that rubbish girl. Then, I suspected that McKenzie would surely do something for her revenge. And, look! She did this."

Silvia and Michael nodded. This was not something beyond their imagination to find McKenzie as the violator but that was nor expectable or acceptable. They expected someone else to be figured out as the criminal.

"So, what are we going to do next?", Henrietta asked.

"I think we should tell Mrs. Peerson about this. She is careful about this sorts of school crimes and always have taken right decisions on critical times." said Silvia.

"We have to wait for at least tomorrow for this, guys. So, what if we go through the rest of the video clips? Maybe they have something interesting for us." said Michael who always have been curious for everything.

"That's a good idea.", said Silvia trying to play the next video clip. For the next half an hour, the video didn't seem to show real things except tiffin times fights, passing time in the washroom to bunk classes or trying to wash coke over their dresses. But, the last video had the bomb, a real one.

That special video started with McKenzie. It showed McKenzie coming towards the washroom in class time when there is no students. She stood by a wall that separated her from the common school place. Then, she brought out a sharpened short knife from her skirt pocket.

Then, she looked at the knife for few seconds. After a while, she did something unpleasant and shocking. She started hurting herself with the knife. She rubbed that sharp knife all over her face that created bruises and marks.

Silvia, Henrietta and Michael sat in total silence again for the second time today. That was quite enough to make them stunned. Figuring out McKenzie behind every chaos wasn't at all surprising for any of them, but two discoveries in one day was hard for them to accept.

"So, what is next?", Silvia repeated the question.

"Well, I think its time our principal will get his lessons for everything he did, every punishment he resumed for students without proper acknowledgement.", Michael said because he was once punished by the rude authority for a sin that he didn't commit even.

"I think I've started seeing ray of light. I knew the truth would come forward but didn't know how long it will take. Now it showed up in a very short span of time. I'm now glad, really.", Henrietta sounded nostalgic, yet hopeful.

"So! Its time for celebration! Let me bring another bottle of coke.", Silvia said as she stood up and walked for the kitchen.

As Silvia got out of the room, Michael went to the window and opened it though drawing the curtain.

"Whoa! Its starting to feel hot soon this year. Spring has sprung!", said Michael sweeping his hard plain cheeks with a tissue paper.

"You are feeling hot? Not me, yet!", Henrietta laughed.

"You know, I should have felt cold like you guys in this winter. But, girls are calling me hot for past several years that make me feel hot every time. So, you know what I mean?"

Henrietta gigled, "Yeah, absolutely!"

Michael returned the smile in sound as Henrietta wouldn't see it without audibility.

"Henrietta. Can I ask you something?"

"What? You're hot or not?"

"Not that actually. Something serious."

"Sure, I'll answer anything serious unless its about my, um mm, size of my denim waist."

"You're funny, girl! Anyways, did you feel horrible the first day we met?"

"Why would I?"

"See, I know you're pretending to prove that you forgot, but I remember how stupidly I asked you something very offensive that deserved a vague answer. Please, tell me, ate you angry about that still?"

"Michael, I seriously don't have an idea what question you're talking about that was offensive?"

"Well, its hard to even pronounce again. I asked you if you were blind.", Michael exhaled deeply as it was way too rough for him to say again intentionally. That day he asked this question without any intention or preparation which was only a slip of tongue and made him regret lot.

"Look, that day I felt nothing. Its not new to me for people asking this if I was blind. It has become like a regular often incident to me that I happen to forget. I almost forgot you saying this same thing that day. But, Michael, thanks for caring to know of I felt bad. No one usually feels this care or else for me."

Michael banged his hand on his chest like a chimpanzee, "My pleasure" and sounded like a gorilla. He was trying to act all stupid again to cheer up Henrietta.

Silvia entered the room with a huge bottle of coke. "Guys, sorry I took time. Flynn his it somewhere for his future food storage."

"Somewhere? I hope this somewhere doesn't stand for bathroom sink or even the cockroach filled cupboard?" asked Michael.

"Or the kitchen dustbin in which rotten eggs and smelly foods are thrown into?" asked Henrietta.

"Ugh! You guys think in a stinky way. Ew!", Silvia acted all in her attitude again.

Silvia put three crystal glasses in a row on the table. She poured the coke in them and filled the rest of it with broken pieces of ice. She handed it over to Michael and Henrietta. They rose them up and hollared, "Cheers!"

"Cheers! May McKenzie get punished." Said Silvia.

"Cheers! May McKenzie gets a boyfriend so that she doesn't stick with us." Henrietta said.

"Cheers! May every beautiful girl has the chance to realize how beautiful is she even though she doesn't have a vision for her big lustrous eyes." Michael said.

That was really very sweet of him. Henrietta praised him heartily.

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