Nothing Than Garbage

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Run! Run as far as you can! Henrietta was running through the street. She didn't care all those huge trucks and shuttle buses driving besides her. Cars were honking and what she did was run. Cool breeze of the evening was penetrating her hair and she was shivering.

Henrietta ran into the house and threw herself on the bed. She had been trying hard to be strong since her mom passed away and she thought that she slightly succeeded. Otherwise, it was impossible for a girl to attend school after only one week of her mother's death. But now, she had started falling apart. She was being broken into pieces cruelly by this world.

She sobbed her heart out, though she was being astonished why this hurt her too much. Michael was nothing but a friend to her, but he was to Silvia. They had been together for ages, and he would chose Silvia undoubtedly if he needed to have someone. Why on earth would he chose Henrietta?

"I'm stupid, I'm blind. I am a dumb creature to increase the load of garbage on this earth. I have no rights to live. Rather I should leave, leave from the world."

She stood up and roamed around her house. She was touching everything to find out a way to die.

"What do I do? Set myself on fire? Hang from the ceiling? Cut my wrist? Eat poison? Anything can kill me. So, I can do anything." She murmured.

Michael and Silvia were at the movie theater, eating popcorn and coke. Shivering in the air conditioned place, they were talking about theirselves not concentrating on the movie. Michael was missing Henrietta at first, but he deviated his mind from hers as he thought it was a sign of disobedience toward Silvia to think about some other girl.

"Silvia, do you think that we should get another popcorn?" Michael asked.

"Certainly. But the movie is at end. We'll buy one when we get out of this cold place. Awh, its kinda shivering." Said Silvia rubbing her hands against her rosy cheeks.

"Okay then. Anyway, what's your wildest dream that appears every night?"

"What do you mean by wildest dream? The scary one or the fantasy one?"

"The fantasy one."

"Of course. My wildest dream is.." She paused.

"Why did you pause? Open up."

"My wildest dream is, please don't laugh, Michael. To go on prom with you."

"But this is going to be reality soon, Silvia." Michael smirked.

"What do you mean? How?"

"Our prom is near. So, you can go."

"But I'm ninth grader. I can't go unless escorted."

"I'll escort you. As I'm a senior, I can go with one of my companions."

"Are you not joking?" Silvia couldn't believe her ears.

"No I'm not. Are you agreed?"

"Yes! I'm!" Silvia screamed. People from the front seats stared at them with irritated looks.

"Oh I'm sorry." Silvia apologized feeling awkward.

"Take it easy, girl. Its not too serious." Michael said to her.

"Not to take it lightly, Michael. Its been a long time I've been dreaming of this, it's like the world to me!"

"Get yourself in, girl. Be prepared for the prom. Just like a week or more."

Silvia smiled and leaned on Michael. After a few minutes, the movie was over and they got out. Silvia came to the popcorn corner.

"Cheese or tomato, Michael?" Silvia asked.

"Cheese. Henrietta likes it too." Michael said with a slip of tongue.

"Mister, two cheese popcorns please!" Silvia ordered at the counter.

Then she turned to Michael, he was feeling uncomfortable pronouncing Henrietta's name at this situation.

Silvia narrowed down her brown eyes and stared at him for few seconds.

"Are you thinking a lot about her these days?"

"No, I mean yes. I didn't mean that, it was just,you know." Michael stammered and stopped.

"Look." Silvia said handing over the popcorns from the salesman, "You're now with me. Don't think about her too much. She's an outsider, nothing else."

Michael nodded. He was feeling guilty for this. He was wondering at the same time, how people could change so fast. It had been like only one week when Silvia hugged Henrietta and cried with her when Mrs. Meredith passed away. Silvia used to love Henrietta like her own sister. What happened to that?

"Let's go, Michael. I need to go home." Silvia called him.

"Yes, sure." Michael replied.

When they got on the car, Silvia didn't turn on the music player. This was unlike her. She would rather waste petrol on turning on the music than driving the car. Michael looked at her gloomy face once but didn't say a thing.

The rest of the way, there was unpenetrated silence.

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