World beyond Awake

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Chapter 3

World beyond Awake

~Remembering the experiences one perceives in sleep is vital; everyone needs to dream. Understanding our sleep experiences will further the understanding of the self and universe more. So be bold., You are the only one judging you.

Sleep's Purpose

One who is asleep is either in REM or non-REM sleep cycles. REM is rapid eye movement; When one is not in REM sleep, one's body and mind are undergoing repair or transforming short-term memories into long-term memories. During REM, one is undergoing experience, whether it is in-body or out-body experience.

Body Experience States

In-body experience is the dream, the sub conscious-; the mind's thoughts pitter-pattering so much that a realm is crafted, waiting to be experienced, but is limited to only experiencing the self mind. Body experience, the conscious:; we are in tune with mind and body, and we interact by abiding by the laws of balance and other souls. Out-body experience, the super conscious, is; where raw spirit resides. Experiences in super-conscious realms are considered sacred, and should be treated with the ut-most virtue; Sin not. Through your own personal experience, you will gain a better understanding for these places of existence. By transitioning between these states, one goes through un-consciousness to travel, -the "'transition.'"

Effective Lucidity

One may want to start to improve one's ability to recall to improve dream awareness, control, and understanding. Remembering at least one moment in a dream is a start to full lucidity. Be patient. It may take a few weeks to see signs of improvement, and failure can leave one doubtful.

Three Stepping-stones of Achieving and Keeping Lucidity


The most effective method is writing in a dream journal, every day,; making it habit in your mind and, expecting to hold on to the moments in a dream. Write to the fullest detail you can in the journal:, describe the environment, the people, and even how you felt. Train yourself to make this habit, and in due time, you will see improvement.

~Mind- &and- Body Balance

Good health, both physically and mentally, is vital in order to quality, length, and re-call ability. Melatonin is one of many chemicals produced by the pineal gland in our brain; avoid fluoride for it is poison and calcifies the pineal gland. Ensure your brain has had enough non-REM sleep so that a REM cycle can go un-interrupted. Let go of your attachments in sleep, for you can only take yourself to these realms.

~Improving Dream Awareness

Spontaneous awareness, is something that will allow the sleeper to take control of the moment and analyze the situation one is in, leading to figuring what state of consciousness one is experiencing. Train yourself to develop a habit that will make you ask yourself such questions,. like wearing a watch and saying aloud, "'What time is it?"' Developing a process to become aware is always vital to become more lucid. It can only take a moment.

Paralysis in Sleep

Many have probably experienced this; During sleep, one will find oneself physically paralyzed. Fret not! Fear will only ruin the experience. You must remain calm and collected. Either you will wake up from the experience, or a "'transition"' will occur, leading to an in-body or out- of- body experience. Some advanced sleepers induce paralysis purposely so that one can transition into an in-body or out- of- body experience. Your breathing will also be very noticeable. Practice conscious deep breathing mediations to pre-pare for this state.

Being the Avid Sleeper

The further one progress deeper into the sleep, one, essentially, is experiencing deeper parts of the self on levels one never could have conceived previously. One may find one's self dreaming several times, every day-; which can be very draining. Intense sleep experiences can leave the sleeper experiencing a different kind of tiredness when awake. It may leave one spaced. Balance the subconscious, conscious and super conscious. Keep your guard up, have faith, and be ready to roll your dice when the moment calls.

How to Induce an In-Body/Out-Body Experience, in Greatest Detail

Before hand, be sure to have done some exercise, yoga, and mediation; to prepare the body for the experience ahead. Lay down on your back, with arms to the side, on somewhere comfortable where you will not be disturbed. First, practice mindful breathing;, and breathe deep, fuller each time, but not rushing your breath. Now, tell yourself that you are now relaxing. Start from the top of your head, to your brow, your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your checks, your chin, and so forth. Do this until you reach the soles of your feet. Do not rush this either, really try to feel the sensation of relaxation, without interrupting it by breaking focus. After this, wait calmly for yourself to fall asleep; it can take up to 30 minutes at the LEAST.

Once asleep, you will either find yourself in your body paralyzed, or already in the dreamscape. If you find yourself in your body still, now is where you figure a way out. Do not become stressed during this part, and watch for your breath. Remain calm and collected. It is vital you do so, or else you risk ruining the experience by waking up. Imagine finding a window or a door, or find something that resembles such. Focus, focus deeply on the door or window., Stare so deep as if you were getting closer to it, (any doubt will ruin this part), as if you were floating closer and closer... as if you were right in front of the door and all you had to do was will yourself right on through it. A change of perspective can happen within a moment, so quick, you wouldn't notice when it began or ended; But you would know you are somewhere different. Once free from the body, the soul may wander.

Movement in this realm is un-like regular muscle moving. Feeling powers movement more than thought does. Simply looking at something and desiring to get closer to it, is a simple as the movement can be. If you hear music, sing! Engage your soul in a song! For truly letting your soul express itself is key to flight. Be bold and not afraid of things like height. Meditation in this realm is also very different and will sever other purposes,; such as transportation or item re-call. Focusing on an object is also a way of moving, moving closer to the object transfixed upon. Experience here can end at any moment, and you will find yourself back in your body.

After your experiences, you willeither wake up, or find yourself in your paralyzed body again. Remember, remaincalm. You will need to use your mind and will to wake your physical body. Acommon method is wiggling the feet; Have a pen and paper ready nearby to jotdown all you can remember. Remember in this realm, your time there is sacred;Be virtuous, respectful, and disciplined. Do not chase your desires or here,and hold no expectations. Let go of the tight grip of expectations you mayhold.

Go on


and let live.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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