Chapter 8: Outcasts

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First  period  had just  ended  and  Cartman  was looking  around  the halls. He hadn't  seen  Butters, since the day before  and  he was really  worried  for  him. He  saw Kenny  and  walked  up  to  him.

"Hey, Kenny have you  seen  Butters  today? I can't  find  him anywhere!" Cartman  looked  around, worried.

"Umm, did you  check  the  boy's  bathroom? I  think I saw him go in there." Kenny  replied, not  really  paying  attention  because  he was eyeing a group  of  girls.

"Thanks!" Cartman  said  then ran off to  the  bathroom.

"Butters?" He  asked, softly  as he entered  "Are you  in here!"

"Oh hey E-Eric?" Butters  said from  inside  one of  the  stalls.

"Are you  okay?" Cartman  asked  walking  to  the  door  "You  sound  scared."

Butters  shook  his  head, even  though  Cartman  couldn't  see him. He  took  a deep  breath  and  touched his  eye, which was stinging badly.

"Im fine Eric," He  winced  "I just  um really needed to  use  the  bathroom."

"You've been  using  the  bathroom  for  an hour," Cartman  pointed out "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Butters  said  raising  his  voice.
"Tell  me  Butters," Cartman  said  worried.

"It's nothing! Please  go  away  Eric!" Butters  yelled.

Cartman  couldn't  take  it, he kicked  the  stall door open  then gasped  at the  sight of  Butters's  swollen  eye. He ran over to  him  and hugged  him  tightly.

"Who  did  this  to you?" He  asked  angrily

"E-Eric," Butters  said  "I - I'm fine, really."

Cartman  shook  his  head  "Tell  me who would  hurt my Butters."

Butters  sighed. He couldn't  tell  Cartman  the truth, that when he  got  home  yesterday, his father  punished  him, by beating  him.

"I -I can't," He  said  quietly  and  felt  a few tears  in his  good  eye.

Cartman  looked  at Butters  "Tell me." He said  sternly  "So I can beat the  crap out of  their  sorry  ass."

Butters  shook  his  head.

"Please," Cartman  pleaded "I want  to  know."

Butters  kept  shaking  his  head, though Cartman  kept asking  and Butters  sighed. He wrapped  his  arms around  Cartman's  neck and kissed  him, in attempt  to  shut him  up.

   Butters  looked  at  Cartman sternly  "I'm fine." He  said  leaving  the  bathroom.

Cartman  grabbed  Butters's  hand  "No  your not, please tell  me  who did  this to  you." He  pleaded

"I....I....I'm fine  Eric, I fell down  the  stairs  this morning," Butters  lied.

  Cartman  sighed  and  nodded. He  knew  Butters  was  lying, but he looked  like  he would  start crying if he told  him, and  Cartman  didn't  want  to  see his  boyfriend  cry.

"Okay," He  said  "Stupid stairs, I think  that everyone  should  really  have  an elevator  in their  house," He  told  Butters, in attempt  to  make  the blonde  feel  better.

Butters  smiled  and  nodded  in agreement.

Cartman  had the whole  scenario  in his  head, the entire  day.

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